OMG EPIC. Can it run explosive or piercing shells? I saw that Russian youtube guy run them on an AA-12. Hows the recoil on it?
I just got it and haven't taken it to the range.. I imagine the recoil would be not so bad with the muzzle break attached to it, although I may upgrade to a large muzzle break later.
Yeah, I know about the AA-12 shotgun. The VEPR-12 shotgun can cycle almost any type of 12ga ammo both 2 3/4 " and 3" length. Those fancy explosive and armor piercing rounds you saw were made by a special company and I believe the 12ga HE rounds are the FRAG-12 12ga explosive rounds manufactured by a British company. These rounds have been tested to effectively be fired out of the AA-12 shotgun. Whether they would be stable and safe to shoot out of my VEPR12 is up in the air. Even if they were, in order for me to buy the FRAG-12 rounds I would have to go through the same procedure as acquiring a 37mm and 40mm grenade round. I would have to apply for a federal tax stamp from the ATF and pay $200 federal tax stamp fee per grenade round in addition to the cost of the grenade rounds. Also, the process takes up to an entire year to get the tax stamp. In the state of Washington where I live, it is not legal to own explosive devices, which the FRAG-12 explosive round is labelled . I can own grenade launchers, but not grenade rounds , themselves. However, in neighboring Idaho and Oregon ED (explosive devices) are legal to own with proper federal licensing.
Anyhow, the VEPR-12 has a very high tolerance, much more than the Saiga-12 or many other tactical style shotguns. It can cycle most 12ga ammos on the market I am told . Obviously, I am going to have to field test my VEPR-12 to see which my particular gun can handle. The gas port on the VEPR-12 has been constructed intelligently though so that it can cycle versatile amount of loads. It only struggles on the lightest loads , just as with any other semi auto tactical shotgun, such as cheaper birdshot rounds, which I would never use in this shotgun anyway.
Anyhow, I am in love with my new AK shotgun and look forward to bringing it to the range. It is really sad that these are now banned here in the USA and probably will be banned forever, until we get a President who lifts this draconian Executive Order. Hopefully, the Russians will outsource the production of VEPRs to another company outside of Russia that can circumvent the restrictions so these guns can once again be sold within the USA.
There is also going to be 20rd drums coming available very soon for this gun which I will purchase. The 20rd drums will make for a very fun range toy..

They will look similar to the Saiga 12 drums