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Hello from Germany!

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It should be pointed out that the allies had ample opportunity to bomb the camps and the railway lines that lead to them but DID NOT. Nobody blames me for this as an anglo-saxon, so GC's OK with me so far.

German Christ:

--- Quote from: newman on August 14, 2007, 02:52:33 PM ---It should be pointed out that the allies had ample opportunity to bomb the camps and the ralway lines that lead to the but DID NOT. Nobody blames me for this as an anglo-saxon, so GC's OK with me so far.

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And I blame noone for bombing Germany like in Dresden this is just normal in a war and there's no reason to blame the USA or England for that. You know Chamberlain? He visited Hitler and wanted to work together with him. As you see there isn't just Germany as the anti-jewish racialist country at that time. The most important thing is never to forget the victims on both sides and to learn from history. Dictatorships (I think about Iran at the moment...) must be stopped BEFORE something happens.

Do you have muslims near you ?

Being descended from various eastern european populations (including Russian Jews), I always had a natural distaste for Germany, however, the problem becomes when all Germans are painted with the same Brush.  I know one German person (from Germany) who is pro-Zionist 100% and only supports the NDP as a front against immigration.


--- Quote from: German Christ on August 14, 2007, 09:56:05 AM ---
--- Quote from: kahaneloyalist on August 14, 2007, 09:42:44 AM ---I dont want German members of this forum, what the Germans did can never be forgiven, and we shouldnt have any interaction with any Germans, I hope they and the Muslims wipe each other out.

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@ mord

Oh you mean Stoiber? He just resigned as the minister of Bavaria to live in peace without politics. As you see there is no hope. Yes I'm a catholic christian and I support Israel too.

@ kahaneloyalist

I can understand that you don't like German because of the WW2. But anti-judaism and anti-semitism was in this time far spread all over europe and the modern world and this for centuries! It was just bad luck that it happend in Germany. Today anti-semitist parties in Germany have just about 2% in elections! In other countries there are far more! If you want to stop any interaction with the German people just because of a part of the population 60 years ago because of political reasons has killed and persuated Jews, you formulate your own testament. Without our help the war against terror can't be won. Not to talk to Germans is just stupid. We save your border with our marine force and you don't want to talk to us? The time of NS has gone. There is no threat for Jews except Islam. I just like Israel because it fights Islam, our thread. There is no time for hate between the rest of the world till the islamic problem isn't solved!

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The German forces on our border are protecting the Arabs, not the Jews, and I neither want nor will I accept German help. The German people are the heirs of Amalek, whom almost to a man hate the Jews as much as the Germans did during WWII but it isnt(yet) politically correct to be open about their views. What the Germans did can never be forgiven ever, and the Germans are just as evil today as they were in 1939, they support completely the Arabs in their war against us.


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