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Hello from Germany!

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A number of the Gedolim including Rabbi Kahane zt'l hy'd wanted a 500 year ban on Jewish contact with Germany. In fact it was part of the Kach platform to cut ties between Israel and Germany.

There can be no forgiveness ever for that accursed people.


There are opinions that say that we don't know who Amalek is, and that Amalek is someone else in every generation. So for example, the Germans were Amalek during WW2, but they are not necessarily today's Amalek as well.


Welcome to the forum! Hope to read some more of your interesting posts.

Hallo, GC, Wilkommen zu der JTF, es tut mir leid dass, mein Deutsch ist nicht gut weil, ich ein Englander bin.

Just for the refferrence of certain members of this forum, I ahve mentioned previously that I have some Jewish blood in my veins, I also have German blood in my veins, from both sides of my family, 100 years back on one side, and mixed with Jewish blood on the other side, but if you are going to discriminate against GC for being German, you'll have to discriminate against me as well.

Put it this way.  I'm new here, but if we start insulting Germans, odds are they'll become angry.  There will be a backlash.  Maybe they will turn nazi.

If a German is supporting you, the pragmatic thing to do is to accept it.

Torah Jews dont do what is pragmatic we do what is right, and I am not afraid of that accursed nation. I will not take that blood soaked hand.


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