Author Topic: Rabbi Eliyahu Kin [10 Lost Tribes]  (Read 21115 times)

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Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: Rabbi Eliyahu Kin [10 Lost Tribes]
« Reply #25 on: August 19, 2010, 01:28:48 PM »
Re:  "I can give a whole drosho on the Negro, from a Torah perspective. "

Do it.
I want to read it.
I'm serious.
Whether we agree or disagree on Davidy is water under the bridge as far as I'm concerned.
I want to read about the schwartes and hamites.
And make sure you put in there that stuff about the 'extra bones', ok?     ;D

Offline wonga66

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Re: Rabbi Eliyahu Kin [10 Lost Tribes]
« Reply #26 on: August 19, 2010, 01:43:36 PM »
I gave over this 18 years ago:


The recent riots in Crown Heights, Los Angeles and elsewhere bring to mind the meaning of the name of Noah's son Ham: from the Hebrew word "cham" - heat. Although the least of his brothers, to have been worthy of being saved from the Flood, Ham must have been a very great man, and his name foretold of his destined derech in serving the Creator: "through the heat of emotional passion and excitement" (R.S.R.Hirsch).

But already in the Ark, by having prohibited relations with his wife, he was found to be wanting in comparison to his brothers: the heat intended for Avodas Hashem had become warped into the incandescent heat of degenerate licentiousness. The Tanchumah relates of the physical punishment he underwent as a result of this and his subsequent performing of an atrocity on father: his skin became pigmented, his eyes bloodshot, his lips thick, fuzzy  hair, and to walk denuded: all traits passed on to his offspring.                               
Some identify Ham with the famous ancient leader Hammu-rabi, which means "Master of the Family of Ham". Ham's grandson, Nimrod, taught his brothers extreme aggressiveness, and they subjugated the entire population into building the Tower of Babel. Amazingly, the Hashgochah ordained that another of Ham's sons, Canaan, was the only nation to retain the usage of Loshon Hakodesh after the division of the languages, in order to be able to serve the Bnei Yisroel hundreds of years later, who also retained the original tongue.                         
"Accursed is Canaan: a slave of slaves will he be to his brothers" (Breishis 9). In order to remedy Ham's evil character traits, which were greatly accentuated in the immoral Canaan, Noah actually blessed him that he should come under the influence and servitude of others that are better than him. Many Canaanites profited greatly by reason of this servitude eg. Eliezer the slave of Abraham, Tabi the slave of Rabban Gamaliel, the maidservant of R.Yehudah Hanasi etc. Canaanite slaves were all circumcised, being called "sons of the covenant", and obeyed Torah laws, many of them thereby gaining Olam Habo.

It is when Ham's descendants are free to gratify their negative traits, that they do harm to others, and even more to themselves, as recent events have shown. Hashem's plan is to put the most virtuous of the seed of Shem, together with the least virtuous of the seed of Ham, in order to serve as a moshel to mankind in highlighting the great moral difference between them, and also so that they can be of mutual help to each other.                               
Indeed the Kabbalists say that "the Land of Israel was only given in order that the Jews should cleanse and sublimate out of it the seven bad midos (viz.anger, greed, envy, impatience, impudence, indolence, and lust) that originate from the seven original Canaanite nations that dwelt there, that derive their vivification from the Olam Hatohu". This helps to explain the very "agitato" atmosphere of Israel to this day, as all these traits are accentuated there more than in any other land: "A person who lives in Eretz Yisroel must never forget its original name, Eretz Canaan, which means "servitude and submission": hachna'ah (Shlah Hakadosh). "The air of the Land of Israel makes one cleverer (Bava Basra 158) - but remember that the Yetzer Hara is also cleverer in Israel!" (Satmar Rebbe).         
   At the time of Joshua's invasion, many of the Cannaanites, such as the Girgashites, fled into Africa (Sanhedrin 91) as archaeology has confirmed. "Shem took Asia, Jafeth took Europe, and Ham took Africa" (Abarbanel). Canaan's last will and testament to his descendants was "Love one another, love robbery, love lewdness, hate your masters, and do not speak the truth" (Pesachim 113) - unfortunately the subsequent behaviour of the Hamitics has largely borne this out! The Sinites (Breishis 10:17) are the progenitors of the nations of the Far East ie.the Sino-Japanese peoples. Those elitist countries would undoubtedly be rather non-plussed if they realised the ramifications of the common Hamitic lineage that they share with their other more pigmented "mishpochah"! - see  "Universal Jewish History" by Philip Biberfeld, ch.5.                    
Although the negroidal Ethiopian Falashas have many admirable qualities, there are so many halachic doubts as to their status as bona fide Jews, that geirus al pi halachah is a sine qua non for them to be accepted as yidden, as recent responsa by gedolim has shown. The fact that most of them categorically refuse to undergo t'vilah and dam bris, is a sure sign that many of them are not in possession of Jewish neshomos: "Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard its spots?" (Jeremiah 13).
Kedushah "attracts" Kelippah, as can still be seen  today by the Hamites who somehow always end up "clinging" to the Am Yisroel, willy-nilly eg. the Palestinians (who are basically Canaanitic Plishtim!) in Israel, and the Blacks in the USA and UK. In ancient Babylon, Chazal were amazed how the gentiles of Masa Mechasya witnessed the glory of the Torah, and yet none of them converted to Judaism (Brochos 17).

And today? Yet they can be positively influenced eg. the Chabad Drug Outreach Program works hand in hand with moderate Black Muslims in New York to fight rampant drug abuse, with some success, in a brave attempt to forestall the occurrence of another Crown Heights-like pogrom. It has been found that in those US states where Creation Science is compulsorily taught side by side as an alternative to the Theory of Evolution, Black high school students turn out to become the most enthusiastic believers in the Creator, and models of good behaviour!
A pure Negro is meant to be a proud representative of his branch of mankind. But the grand attempt by misguided "social engineers" in the West to overly miscegenate the races, has resulted in a burgeoning generation of perplexed and vexed "chip-on-the-shoulder" dysgenic, Caucasoid-Negroidal-Melanesian-Indian-Amerindian-Australoid-Polynesian-Mestizo-Mulatto-Mongoloid coffee cream-mocca coloured untermischungs, with undesirable future social repurcussions, lo aleinu. Dysgenics is the gradual running down in the calibre of the human genetic pool, due to racengemisch (race-mixing) and other effects. Hashem delights in the converse of dysgenics: eugenics viz.the encouraging of the breeding of real men and real women (Bechoros 45), and the vital preservation of the separate and distinct races which He has created. "Each of the 70 Nations has a unique national trait at which it excels, and which can be harnessed for kedushah" (R.David Feinstein).

All men have immortal souls. The Tzelem Elokim latent in all of mankind's branches is meant to be accentuated, contrary to the fallacious Theory of Evolution. This evil theory propounds that "the broad flat nose, the slanted profile of the Negro face, and their smaller average skull capacity, places them closer to the anthropoid apes than to homo sapiens" (Major Leonard Darwin, son of Charles Darwin). Evolution has spawned modern racism.: "No rational man believes that the negro is the equal, still less the superior of the white man" (T.H.Huxley, Darwin's main disciple and an arch-evolutionist). The Torah-believing Jew has a higher opinion of many Hamitics than they have of themselves!                            
History has repeatedly shown of the trouble caused by peoples misplaced from their lands. The Creator has put into the heart of every man an inherent love for his intended habitat (B.Rabboh 34), and elsewhere the benign influence of the Supernal Sar (Angelic Guardian) of that land will be lost on that individual. The ancient world dictator Sennacherib was another one who attempted to unhinge this delicate spiritual order by a deliberate policy of dysgenics and racegemisch. Only the Am Yisroel are the exceptions to this rule, as they have a different Divine destiny, to be temporarily dispersed among the nations, where they become assets to their host nation, not liabilities like most other minorities: "And the L-rd will scatter you from one end of the earth to the other" (Dvarim 28).
Attempts to over miscegenate the races has resulted in the opposite of the desired result: "Once a certain limit is reached, a change to the opposite direction is inevitable". By the world ignoring the Torah's teachings on the origin, nature and destiny of the races in the Table of the Nations, the present racial balance is on a potentially disastrous knife-edge. Many now believe that "the South will arise again" and that one day they'll be whistling "Dixie" north of the Mason-Dixon line, with all that that would entail!
« Last Edit: August 19, 2010, 01:53:26 PM by wonga66 »

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: Rabbi Eliyahu Kin [10 Lost Tribes]
« Reply #27 on: August 19, 2010, 09:35:39 PM »
Re:  "...a burgeoning generation of perplexed and vexed "chip-on-the-shoulder" dysgenic, Caucasoid-Negroidal-Melanesian-Indian-Amerindian-Australoid-Polynesian-Mestizo-Mulatto-Mongoloid coffee cream-mocca coloured untermischungs, with undesirable future social repurcussions, lo aleinu. "

NOW you're talkin'!

Get to the part about the extra bones and that thing called "The Monkey's Paw of Lord Harambee" that grows on them.

Is there anything in Torah about "bluegums"?

How about steatopygiea? Greater prognathism?  Shine?  Shuck'n'Jive?  Sickle-Cell Uremia?

Should negroes be allowed to vote?  Seems to me like it wouldn't be natural.

Offline pashtungirl

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Re: Rabbi Eliyahu Kin [10 Lost Tribes]
« Reply #28 on: September 11, 2014, 09:08:59 PM »
Actually, Britam's Ten Lost Tribe evidences seems pretty cogent.

I suspect the reason that few accept them is that they're just too far-reaching, too hard to swallow, too counter-intuitive & scary ramifications for people to accept, just like the Olral & Written Torah themselves! i.e. it's just too potent, just like a geocentric, 6000 year old Kahanist universe is only accepted by a few Jews, despite full support from science and the Torah sources!

Notice that there has been no scholarly refutation of any of Britam's thesis.

In fact not even an un-scholarly one by even a paltry "Massuh"!

A sure sign that Davidy, even if not 100% correct, is on the right track. To me fulfilment of the many prophecies that the Ephramites would have worldwide dominion as fulfiled by the Anglo nations is of particular interest.

Believe me, when the Ten Lost Tribes come home, you'll prefer them to be English-speaking Whites, rather than pigmented Brown & Black Bantus, Hottentots, Pathans, Afghanis & Burmese!

"There never was such a thing as "Black Jews!" (Rabbi Avigdor Miller) - a sentiment with which Chaim would indubitably concur!
excuse me sir we pashtuns are not balck we pashtuns got more red hairs and blue eyes than u got in british and we are not a lost tribe of Israel i dont believe in it coz we are ancient greeks from alexnader the great
:-* i believe in peace:-)
If u want peace u dont talk 2 ur friends
You talk 2 ur enemies

Offline edu

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Re: Rabbi Eliyahu Kin [10 Lost Tribes]
« Reply #29 on: September 12, 2014, 09:43:32 AM »
I have seen Brit Am's writings. In my view it seems they try to pick out the Gentiles who they believe have been the most favorable or at least neutral to the Jewish people and claim they are descendants of the lost tribes because they have some type of interpretation of Biblical prophecy that this is the way things should be.
For example, they thought Britain is connected to Yosef/Joseph because Britain beat Germany and they gave Edom status to Germany and said Britain must be Yosef/Joseph because we have a midrashic tradition that Edom would one day fall at the hand of Yosef/Joseph.
My rebuttal, is that the midrashic tradition might hold that members of the Jewish underground that fought the British were Yosef/Joseph and Britain is part of Edom.

Or maybe the Edom that the midrash talks about is some third country.
In any case, Brit-Am's conjectures don't convince me at all.

Offline pashtungirl

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Re: Rabbi Eliyahu Kin [10 Lost Tribes]
« Reply #30 on: September 14, 2014, 12:02:06 PM »
Actually, Britam's Ten Lost Tribe evidences seems pretty cogent.

I suspect the reason that few accept them is that they're just too far-reaching, too hard to swallow, too counter-intuitive & scary ramifications for people to accept, just like the Olral & Written Torah themselves! i.e. it's just too potent, just like a geocentric, 6000 year old Kahanist universe is only accepted by a few Jews, despite full support from science and the Torah sources!

Notice that there has been no scholarly refutation of any of Britam's thesis.

In fact not even an un-scholarly one by even a paltry "Massuh"!

A sure sign that Davidy, even if not 100% correct, is on the right track. To me fulfilment of the many prophecies that the Ephramites would have worldwide dominion as fulfiled by the Anglo nations is of particular interest.

Believe me, when the Ten Lost Tribes come home, you'll prefer them to be English-speaking Whites, rather than pigmented Brown & Black Bantus, Hottentots, Pathans, Afghanis & Burmese!
We pashtuns nothing looks like balck or burmese we are mix of white and brown and we got more red hair and blues than any1 else
"There never was such a thing as "Black Jews!" (Rabbi Avigdor Miller) - a sentiment with which Chaim would indubitably concur!
:-* i believe in peace:-)
If u want peace u dont talk 2 ur friends
You talk 2 ur enemies

Offline edu

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Re: Rabbi Eliyahu Kin [10 Lost Tribes]
« Reply #31 on: September 14, 2014, 03:43:15 PM »
The song they are singing in the youtube video link is part of the Biblical Verse Yishayahu/Isaish 27:13
And here is the Jerusalem Bible translation
"And it shall come to pass on that day, that a great shofar shall be blown, and they shall come who were lost in the land of Ashshur, and the outcasts in the land of Mizrayim, and shall worship the L-rd in the holy mountain at Yerushalayim"

Offline Sveta

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Re: Rabbi Eliyahu Kin [10 Lost Tribes]
« Reply #32 on: September 14, 2014, 10:16:10 PM »
I am not really into the romanticism on the 10 lost tribes. They were from the wicked northern kingdom who lost their way, lost their derech and lost their Jewishness. There may be many descendants of the lost tribes, it does not make them Jewish due to centuries of intermarriage so either they do giyur or remain how they are.
There is a big difference with the children of Judah who were dispersed all over the world but cared enough about Hashem and the Torah to keep the relationship with Hashem throughout the centuries, keeping Judaism alive. If it were not for Judah, there would be no Judaism today and the 10 lost tribes would be doing nothing different. The 10 ten tribes gave up on Hashem long before they were carried away, and once they became dispersed, their connection became kind of miniscule.

In conclusion, however, those people who consider themselves part of the 10 lost tribes, who honestly want to accept the Torah for themselves and take upon themselves all the mitzvot are to be applauded and respected. But those who say they are part of the 10 lost tribes and should be recognized as fully Jewish and be able to live in Israel while not interested in keeping Torah....those are the ones we can do without.

I know my views are not very popular because the majority of the community feels a huge interest in the "return of the 10 lost tribes" and for some reason put something in our minds that we need to bring them back. So, I apologize in advance if I have insulted anyone. I think when Moshiach comes, we'll get more clarity on how to handle this properly rather than opening the gates to everyone who claims to be a lost tribe member and based on that can waltz in and step all over the Judaism out forefathers guarded (and that their ancestors gave up a long time ago).
I clarify, I am NOT talking about the sincere ones who want to be part of Judaism and really keep Torah, I only mean the ones who have no intention on keeping Torah.
« Last Edit: September 14, 2014, 10:27:00 PM by IsraeliHeart »

Offline Ephraim Ben Noach

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Re: Rabbi Eliyahu Kin [10 Lost Tribes]
« Reply #33 on: September 14, 2014, 10:21:46 PM »
I am not really into the romanticism on the 10 lost tribes. They were from the wicked northern kingdom who lost their way, lost their derech and lost their Jewishness. There may be many descendants of the lost tribes, it does not make them Jewish due to centuries of intermarriage so either they do giyur or remain how they are.
There is a big difference with the children of Judah who were dispersed all over the world but cared enough about Hashem and the Torah to keep the relationship with Hashem throughout the centuries, keeping Judaism alive. If it were not for Judah, there would be no Judaism today and the 10 lost tribes would be doing nothing different. The 10 ten tribes gave up on Hashem long before they were carried away, and once they became dispersed, their connection became kind of miniscule.

In conclusion, however, those people who consider themselves part of the 10 lost tribes, who honestly want to accept the Torah for themselves and take upon themselves all the mitzvot are to be applauded and respected. But those who say they are part of the 10 lost tribes and should be recognized as fully Jewish and be able to live in Israel while not interested in keeping Torah....those are the ones we can do without.
:clap: :clap: :clap:
Ezekiel 33:6 But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the horn, and the people be not warned, and the sword do come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity, but his blood will I require at the watchman's hand.