Author Topic: Kentucky  (Read 1975 times)

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Offline snowshoe

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« on: August 15, 2007, 08:47:50 AM »

KFIRE: Kentuckians For Immigration Reform and Enforcement
Upcoming Event! Lexington, Kentucky
What? Rally Calling for Enforcement of Laws Regarding Illegal Aliens and Adoption of 287g
Bring your signs and American flags and bullhorns.
When?: Saturday, August 18th, 5 to 6 pm
Where?: In front of the Government Center on Main Street, Lexington, Kentucky.
Who? Anyone protesting the current state of affairs regarding illegal immigration and wanting the laws to be enforced.
Anyone who has lost a job to an illegal immigrant.
Any American who was refused medical treatment while illegal aliens received help.
Anyone hit by an illegal immigrant driving without license and/or insurance.
Anyone who has suffered a crime by an illegal immigrant.
Anyone who has seen illegals use food stamps or receive welfare.
Anyone upset at a business who uses illegal immigrants in their work force.
Anyone upset at abusive housing, overcrowding, etc. by illegal aliens or landlords that rent to them. You get the idea.
All Americans and legal immigrants are welcome! Support our laws! Bring specific signs! Stand up for your community! Love your neighbor!
Why?" Because we love our neighbors as we love ourselves!  KCIRR supporters misused this Bible command on their stickers, wanting exceptions to be made for thousands of illegal aliens, calling our current laws evil and wrong simply because they put restrictions on foreigners. This is loving your neighbor above yourself, lowering the standard below what you allow for yourself. Our immigration restrictions prevent the flood of cheap labor and uncontrolled numbers of immigrants that strain the infrastructure and economy of our communities. They prevent people with communicable diseases from entering the country. They prevent felons, drug traffickers, gang members, terrorists, and other dangerous people from entering our country.
They prevent the abuse of illegal immigrants by evil landlords and bosses and extortionists.  In other words, our laws protect the general welfare of everyone. So we must love our neighbors with "tough" love that demands they keep the laws of our country, not just do whatever they please.
We demand this of ourselves, so we demand it of all who come to our country. Those who skirt our laws, jump our borders, overstay their visas, and flood in to our city seeking employment and housing have already shown themselves as violators of our laws. Those who house and hire them have also shown themselves to be violators of our laws and betrayers of their fellow countrymen for their own greed in rebellion to the law that is for the good of all citizens. I could on, but I think you get the point.
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Forever, O Lord, Thy Word is settled in Heaven.