Author Topic: Anyone living in caroline Maloneys district vote DiIorio  (Read 631 times)

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Anyone living in caroline Maloneys district vote DiIorio
« on: September 24, 2014, 10:31:56 AM »   

NY Congresswoman 'Backed Out of Klinghoffer Protest'
Republican nominee for Congress slams Democratic rival who he says opted out of speaking at protest against Met's anti-Semitic opera.
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By Gil Ronen
First Publish: 9/22/2014, 8:47 PM

Di iorio at Iron Dome facility.
Di iorio at Iron Dome facility.
Di iorio campaign

Nick Di iorio, Republican nominee for Congress (NY-12), slammed U.S. Rep. Carolyn Maloney’s "poor record on Israel" Monday and what he said was her decision not to speak in a protest against the Metropolitan Opera’s anti-Semitic “The Death of Klinghoffer” production.

Offered the chance to speak out against the anti-Semitic production, Maloney first agreed before backing out at the last moment, he said.

Di iorio stated: “Maloney's decision to cancel today's protest appearance shows her true priorities do not lie with the Israeli community. In the past, Maloney has posed as a friend of Israel, in the hopes constituents would forget she refuses to speak out against Obama’s deserting Israel in its time of greatest need. Maloney poses as pro-Israel to her constituents, but she’s silent on Israel in Washington.”

He continued: “Last month during the Congressional Recess, I joined Democrats and Republicans alike and visited Israel to show my support. I traveled to towns including Tel Aviv, Sderot, Beer-Sheva and met with local political leaders, rabbis, IDF soldiers, students, and war victims in hospitals. While I visited Israel, Carolyn Maloney went to China to get her picture taken with a panda.”

According to the Di iorio campaign, Di iorio appeared at the Metropolitan Opera protest and said, "When in Israel, I learned that the President’s do-little attitude towards the Middle East conflict has convinced Israelis that progress towards peace isn’t realistic until we have a new president in 2016. It is scandalous that Maloney, who represents one of the most heavily Jewish districts in the country, refuses to speak out against the President and now snubs rallies against anti-Semitic entertainment. New York deserves a representative who will take a clear and decisive stand in defense of our strongest ally in the Middle East. America is failing to uphold its duty to protect Israel, the Middle East’s beacon of democracy.

"I call on President Obama to initiate the unconditional re-supply of all munitions needed for Israel’s self-defense. Congress must pressure our President to stand with Israel. No other president has been such a stumbling block to the Israeli struggle for peace. It is time for Republicans and Democrats, together, to acknowledge that Israel is fighting for the survival of our democracy just as much as its own. Representatives must speak out against Obama’s deferential posturing or usher in escalating violence."
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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