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Offline yahtruth

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Who knows more...
« on: November 12, 2014, 04:03:53 AM »
Who knows more... the perfect and Holy Creator of the universe, almighty, all wise, all knowing, all seeing, all hearing Hashem, who, through Mosheh in Deuteronomy chapter 28, clearly and unambiguously commanded the tribes of Israel and their descendants to DO ALL that he commanded THEM on the WEST side of the Jordan River, within the biblical borders of the tribes of Israel... OR... biblically sin-faulted and rebellious Muslims, Christians, Samaritans, Israelis, Jews, Levites, Kohanim, Pharisees, Saducees, and rabbis, who were biblically and historically rebuked, chastened, and destroyed by Hashem for their sin, rebellion, lack of wisdom, and corruption?

Is there biblical or historical evidence IN FAVOR OF the Hellenizing conspiracy of Jason (the evil brother of the righteous anti-Hellenizing Zadokite Kohen Onias III) against the Zadokite Kohanim, and the resulting impositions of a counterfeit priesthood and rabbinic substitutes? Are Jewish sages biblically permitted to exclude, modify, misrepresent, interpret, edit, suppress or ignore any scriptures of Hashem's eternal Noachic, Abrahamic, and Mosaic covenants through their oral law?

Many Muslims, Christians, Samaritans, Israelis, and Jews fail to critique their traditions and "accepted" interpretations of scriptures, FEARING sarcastic, insulting, shunning, misrepresenting, lying, spitting, slanderous, abusive, threatening, intimidating, vexing, expulsive, and violent mass-rejections of their peers and families, due to accusations of alleged heresy.

As a result, historically and collectively many millions of so-called heretics, often so labeled without  platforms and supporters to defend their positions, are thereby murdered, or traumatized into either complying with the dominating traditions and opinions of their oppressors and persecutors, or opting for secularism, atheism, agnosticism, paganism, or experimentation with other, and often more evil religions, because of the harsh, unusual and unethical treatment that they received in their institutions. Many of those who survive this continue to suffer devastation through the ravages of physical injuries, post-traumatic stress disorder, panic, depressive disorders, anxiety disorders, paranoia, agoraphobia, claustrophobia, loneliness, and attempted suicides. Is all of this suffering biblically defined as love and the way of life, or the ways of death?

Are most accusations of heresy really attempts to suppress truth, competent critical biblical thinking, peaceable legal debates, and ensuing scriptural repentance, reform, and enlightenment?  Is it biblically righteous to sarcastically insult, mischaracterize, misrepresent, belittle, slander, irritate, shun, offend, threaten, intimidate, oppress, vex, persecute, drive away, injure, traumatize, and murder those who differ, because they either challenge, or refuse to agree with all or parts of dominating Muslim, Christian, or Jewish traditions and oral law on biblical grounds? Have monotheists improved, or degenerated through gradual change? Have Jews knowingly and unknowingly become victims of yetzer hara, and/or the evil suggestions, spiritual coercions and manipulations of evil spirits and Hasatan? Have Jews who employ the above tactics become somewhat like crusader Christians, radicalized Muslims, and Nazis?

All monotheistic religions want to retain their members. All Jews obviously want to retain Jews within their organizations. Then why do rabbis discourage independent critical Bible study and biblically sound alternative biblical opinions by demanding that Jews conform to perceptually dominating, allegedly "accepted", yet, moderately to often varied, ambiguous, conflicting, contrary, comparatively ridiculous, nonsensical, old, antiquated, and clearly antibiblical talmudic opinions and denominational traditions, which often pale in comparison to the results and findings of modern biblical archaeology and biblical research? Doesn't the forceful "persuasion" of the persecutors above to believe such contrary and outdated opinions and traditions by the tactics above seemingly amount to evil duress, cultic mind control and brainwashing?

Within Exekiel 44:10-31, Hashem censured Levites and Kohanim who went away from him with Israel. Hashem demoted them because of their idolatries; Thereafter Hashem MODIFIED the Mosaic covenant in verses 23-24, declaring from that time onward that only the Kohanim, the Levites, the SONS OF ZADOK would teach Hashem's people the difference between the holy and profane, and cause them to discern between the unclean and the clean. Therefore, in controversy THEY would stand in judgment; and THEY would judge it according to HASHEM'S judgments: and THEY would keep HASHEM"S laws and HASHEM"S statutes in all HIS assemblies; and THEY would hallow HIS sabbaths." Biblically this is CLEAR, and therefore INCONTROVERTIBLE..

Therefore and thereafter, WHERE, WHEN, and HOWEVER CONTRARY TO the ORIGINAL ZADOKITE oral EXPLANATION of scripture, all CONTRARY POST-Zadokite "oral law" is MOOT, having NO AUTHORITY. Biblically this is CLEAR, and therefore INCONTROVERTIBLE..

Bear in mind the biblical FACT that the unified Mosaic, Aharonic, Davidic, Solomonic, and Nehemic Levitical Zadokite oral explanation of scripture, which IS the ORIGINAL oral explanation of ALL scripture, was received from Hashem and taught by ancient, BIBLICALLY righteous Kohanim, through the nearness of Kabowd, the Ruach Hakodesh, and the spirits of wisdom, knowledge, and understanding in the Kodesh Hakodashim. Therefore, IF, WHEN, WHERE, and HOWEVER CONTRARY TO the ORIGINAL ZADOKITE oral EXPLANATION of scripture, Orthodox Judaism has NO BIBLICAL AUTHORITY to teach its oral law. THIS ALSO is CLEAR and INCONTROVERTIBLE.

Therefore my advice is is that not only Jews and Israelis, but ALL monotheists must realize their collective errors and RESTORE to prominence the biblical and proven descendants of BIBLICAL Zadokim and THEIR pre-Hellenistic, pre-Maccabeean, pre-Hasmonean, pre-rabbinic, pre-Herodian, pre-Pharisaic, pre-Sadducaic oral EXPLANATION of the law, the authority of which, both biblically and historically, clearly came from Hashem, not only through the righteous BIBLICAL Kohen Zadok during the reigns of kings David and Solomon, but also through the righteous BIBLICAL Zadokite Kohen Nehemia, and the blessed prophet Ezekiel.

Here are my suggestions on how to procede:

Please realize that ALL PRESENT EVIL ACTIVITIES against Jews and Israelis worldwide biblically indicate that WE KNOW AND DO NOTHING YET AS WE SHOULD.

Let's ALL tone our voices and emotional reactions down. Let all Muslims, Jews, and Christians stop ganging up on, persecuting, traumatizing, and murdering their fellow Muslims, Jews, Israelis, and Christians who differ in regard to traditions, oral law and scriptures.

Restore, validate, and encourage the independent study of ALL Jewish scriptures.

Have patience and respect for the faulted opinions of other Jews, because most Jews presently have neither the time, capacity, nor opportunity for a Zadokite understanding of ALL scripture. Find common biblical ground. Let all Jews learn to scripturally love other Jews and Israelis regardless of their opinions, AND kindly agree to disagree, instead of cursing at, spitting at, yelling at, hating, reacting unrighteously toward, persecuting, traumatizing and murdering Jews and Israelis who biblically or otherwise differ. Stop OPPRESSING and COERCING other Jews and Israelis to be as you. INSTEAD, lead the way by BIBLICAL works of righteousness.

Let every Jew biblically help and defend poor, needy, orphaned, widowed, homeless, blind, and lame Jews, Israelis and sojourning strangers, in both the dispersion and The Land. Let every Jew do BIBLICAL teshuvah, justice, judgment, righteousness and mercy with the help of the descendants of biblical Zadokim and THEIR oral EXPLANATION of ALL scripture. Let all Jews LOVE Hashem by obeying the ORIGINAL Zadokite understanding, oral explanation, and intent of ALL scripture, including biblically calling upon His Holy NAME, starting with the pronunciation given in certain places of the Hebrew text of the Aleppo Codex. Let all Jews love their neighbors as they love themselves according to the biblical Zadokite understanding of ALL scripture.

BE separate. Patiently, courteously, but uncompromisingly ignore the world and the opposition in the UN; likewise ignore the rants of all secular, agnostic, leftist, anarchist, atheist, pagan, and radicalized Gentile, Muslim and Jewish opposition.

Prayerfully, peacefully, but uncompromisingly protest radical muslims, palestinians, and unrepentant BIBLICAL undesirables when they unrighteously rise up against Jews. Don't be afraid of them. Make a big splash.

Prayerfully and BIBLICALLY expand our settlements, lest our enemies make us contract them. Prayerfully, biblically, and obediently construct settlements with the HELP of BIBLICALLY RIGHTEOUS Gentiles; militarily protect and secure, 24/7, those who are on the frontlines. Let BIBLICALLY RIGHTEOUS Gentiles from all nations biblically live in, and settle in The Land of Israel WITH US, according to the plain meaning and contextual understanding of biblical Torah and the prophets. Biblically love strangers that sojourn among us as we love ourselves, because our ancestors were strangers in the land of Egypt.

LET the BIBLICALLY RIGHTEOUS ZADOKIM, the BIBLICAL sons of Zadok and their proven descendants (but not usurping rabbinic counterfeits) living in the land of Israel MASS-EDUCATE ALL ISRAELIS, JEWS, AND GENTILES LIVING IN THE LAND OF ISRAEL in the original understanding and obedience of ALL scripture. Let all Jews, Israelis, and Gentiles living in The Land of Israel thereby realize their collective sins.

Gradually and prayerfully reclaim and take back The Land. Gather together and restore the 12 tribes to their rightful places, and let them archaeologically excavate and restore the ancient ruins of their cities, suburbs, and farms in government-assisted and militarily-protected settlements next to their ruins within the biblical borders of their tribes.

LET THE BIBLICALLY RIGHTEOUS ZADOKITE KOHANIM COMPOSE, AND TOGETHER WITH EVERY JEW, ISRAELI, AND GENTILE LIVING IN THE LAND, BIBLICALLY STATE OUR CONFESSION OF COLLECTIVE SIN, AND OUR PRAYER OF REPENTANCE, AND RETURN TO HASHEM TOGETHER, AT THE SAME TIME; Let the descendants of the BIBLICAL Zadokite Kohanim prayerfully surround the Temple Mount on all sides, with as many of the heads, elders, and BIBLICALLY righteous of the tribes as possible behind them in this effort. This should be comparatively easy and quick to accomplish with the help of the internet, when compared to the logistics of accomplishing this fifty years ago.

Prayerfully, biblically, and archaeologically reclaim, excavate, RESTORE, and REBUILD the remains of the Temple; restore its agricultural tithes; biblically bring the tithes into the storehouse for the remnant of Levites, Zadokite Kohanim, the homeless, strangers, orphans, widows, the poor, the blind, the lame, and the needy.

Most of the existing structures on Mt. Moriyah and Mt. Zion were originally constructed to hide the truth of Jerusalem from Jews and Israelis, and to destroy the heritage of Jews and Israelis in Israel and the dispersion. Therefore biblically, archaeologically, and prayerfully reclaim, uncover, excavate and RESTORE the entire OLD CITY of Jerusalem, its original walls, the ophel, the Temple mount, and all that remains of the FIRST and Second Temples, and the latter walls that cover their remains; also ALL Levite cities, and ALL of their suburbs, farms, and antiquities; including what ever ORIGINAL furnishings and adjoining buildings are near to these. NEVER give control of these to the biblically non-observant. In the same manner reclaim, archaeologically excavate and restore Mount Zion. You'd be amazed by what you might find.

Biblically AND QUICKLY restore EVERYTHING good that was PLEASING to Hashem during the reigns of righteous Kings David and Solomon before they sinned. Don't say or think that it's impossible or that it can't be done. Do what is right according to biblical Zadokite understanding of all scripture, and THEN pray for Hashem to expel Amelek, radicalized muslims, unrepentant and rebellious sinners, and the sinful descendants of children of Canaan. THEN according to all scripture, Israel and the world will know the truth: G-d will send Eliyah, and then Mashiach, who will  purify the Levites, cleanse The Land, restore ALL things, reign over us as King David, and give us peace.

Offline edu

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Re: Who knows more...
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2014, 04:33:31 PM »
I don't know why the admin hasn't banned you, but in any case "Yahtruth" show a little bit of humility.
In one of your last threads,78413.0.html you asserted every Jew in the world was wrong about the date of the holiest day on the Jewish calendar, Yom Kippur and just you were right and we showed that you made a basic math error and you could not possibly be right and that anyone following your advice would have ended up violating the holiday.

Now again you are boasting that you are among the privileged few to know the true meaning of the Torah and all the tremendous Torah scholars of all ages who know a thousand times more Torah than you do, are all wrong. That's arrogance! "חכם עצל בעיניו משבעה משיבי טעם"  as stated in the Tanach, if you understand Hebrew.

Offline muman613

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Re: Who knows more...
« Reply #2 on: November 12, 2014, 06:04:35 PM »
I don't know why the admin hasn't banned you, but in any case "Yahtruth" show a little bit of humility.
In one of your last threads,78413.0.html you asserted every Jew in the world was wrong about the date of the holiest day on the Jewish calendar, Yom Kippur and just you were right and we showed that you made a basic math error and you could not possibly be right and that anyone following your advice would have ended up violating the holiday.

Now again you are boasting that you are among the privileged few to know the true meaning of the Torah and all the tremendous Torah scholars of all ages who know a thousand times more Torah than you do, are all wrong. That's arrogance! "חכם עצל בעיניו משבעה משיבי טעם"  as stated in the Tanach, if you understand Hebrew.

I agree with you edu... This guy is a heretic, or more specifically a Sadducee (which comes from Tzadok) and according to our faith they are deniers of the Oral Torah. This is a JEWISH board which specifically follows the rabbinic teachings and we have very little patients for those who try to suggest that Judaism is not the true faith. Maybe this guy could find an audience somewhere else but I doubt he will find many followers.

You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: Who knows more...
« Reply #3 on: November 12, 2014, 09:15:34 PM »
Welcome back to the clown show.

Offline Sveta

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Re: Who knows more...
« Reply #4 on: November 12, 2014, 09:39:37 PM »
I am glad someone mentioned the Samaritans. They absolutely confuse me. From what I understand, they were a foreign non-Jewish nation that was brought into ancient Israel and was settled there, they are not Jewish. When I look up the information on them, all I can find is that they are Semitic and that they regard themselves are the true Israelites with their own temple and their own "torah" their own kohanim and their own keeping "mitzvot".

So, they are non-Jews who adopted Judaism and and believe they are the ones and only true people who reject the idea that they are an implanted foreign people? Right? 

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: Who knows more...
« Reply #5 on: November 13, 2014, 09:42:28 AM »
I am glad someone mentioned the Samaritans. They absolutely confuse me. From what I understand, they were a foreign non-Jewish nation that was brought into ancient Israel and was settled there, they are not Jewish. When I look up the information on them, all I can find is that they are Semitic and that they regard themselves are the true Israelites with their own temple and their own "torah" their own kohanim and their own keeping "mitzvot".

So, they are non-Jews who adopted Judaism and and believe they are the ones and only true people who reject the idea that they are an implanted foreign people? Right?

Pretenders always reject the truth about their origins and about the nature of their fake beliefs.