General Category > Ask JTF

Ask JTF for 10/06/2014 through 10/12/2014

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Shalom Chaim, quickly, last week you mentioned sukot being 7 days in Israel and 8 days in the galut, why the 8th day in galut?

Dr. Dan:
1.Talk about Sharpton Lawyer rape fiasco.2.Did Kahane respect Satmar while disagreeing with them? Are Satmar better than Deform/Conserved etc Jews?

Aren’t U sick of const conservative pundits' assertions of GREAT peaceful muslim majority,Islam-perversion &appeals to muslim maj-ty to condemn tero

What is your opinion of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising? How big of an impact did it have on jewish history why is it seldom talked about?

Israel Chai:
In the Jewish Idea the Rav says mitzvot may bring redeption early and acts of great trust will. What individual ones can we do besides early shabbat?


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