The Haredim studiously reproducing at 5-20 children per family.
Outside of Kashrus and Sofrus almost none of them are in gainful employment and from their ranks come almost no doctors, dentists, street cleaners, technicians, bus drivers, garbage collectors or even Torah scholars of any note. Few pay tax. Few even genuinely study Torah.
They are all tough, healthy and well-fed.
Their education is devoid of math, history, geography, science and English.
12 days out of 28 they have no relations with their wives.
When ordered by their Rebbes and Ravs they are disciplined and motivated.
They do not serve in the IDF. Indeed they are anti-IDF and even anti-Israel!
They are set to become the majority in Israel by 2030.
But worse: they are
What is the role of the Haredi in Hashem's Plan?