, it appears Jewish organizations and Jewish religious leaders are some of the greatest instigators and supporters of the I-594 initiative which would force all Washington residents to have forced gun registration and would ban private gun sales, in addition to creating a plethora of other unconstitutional measures. Under I-594, you would now be potentially facing a felony for simply allowing your friend to hold and look at your gun. All these tyrannical gun control measures are under the guise of protecting the public from guns and criminals, but in reality, seek to incriminate law abiding citizens and ultimately disarm them, empowering the government machine. Using fear tactics and propaganda , they convince the masses that the government has the best interests in mind and that more and more regulations , restrictions and laws are required to protect them from all the bloodshed and murder committed by guns. The irony is that these very same governments have massacred more of their own people using gun control measures like these in a matter of days then AMerican citizens have massacred of each other in over 200+ years of the life existence of this nation.
Anyhow, this really disgusts me how Jews have been champions of the same gun control and forced gun registration used by Adolf Hitler in Nazi Germany. This very same forced gun registration was used to aid Hitler in rounding up all the guns owned by Jews and arresting and massacring both armed Jewish citizens and his political opponents. Anyhow, I AM DISGUSTED!!

All I have to say to these JUdenratt is that the blood of my relatives in Schedrin, Belarus SCREAMS OUT AT YOU!!!! DId you not learn from the last Holocaust what happens when you empowered the government machine with forced gun registration and banning of private gun sales? Yes, this was the beginning of the Holocaust and how Kristallnacht was instigated!! Once the government knew where the guns were and disarmed the Jews, it was very simple to go and destroy their stores and homes, turn them into slave laborers and round them up and put them into slave labor/death camps!
Here is the list of traitorous organizations and their supporters of the I-594 who all will have a place in Gehinnom with Adolf Hitler:
Stroum Jewish Community Center
Kol HaNeshamah
Jewish Family Service
Jewish Federation Of Greater Seattle
Temple De Hirsch Sinai
Temple Beth Am
Jewish Council For Public Affairs
Washington State Holocaust Education Resource Center
Bet Alef Meditative Synagogue
Temple Beth Hatfiloh
Herzl Ner Tamid
Congregation Kol Shalom
Temple Beth Or
Union for Reform Judaism
Congregation Beth Shalom
Temple Beth El (Tacoma)
All these synagogues, Jewish organizations, community organizations, etc have collectively voted to destroy the freedoms of American citizens by voting YES on WA State Initiative I-594 which would not only ban private sales of guns, but incriminate gun owners on many other counts.
May these traitors to the Jewish people and those who support the Nazi gun control and gun registration tactics of Adolf Hitler suffer greatly and have their names blotted out of the Book of Life! They are not only a disgrace to the American people and traitors to the nation of the USA, but also bring disgrace on the memories of all the victims of the Holocaust who also had their freedoms ripped from them by these very same measures!
Anyone in the state of Washington , Please vote NO on I-594 in this upcoming election. I will be calling each one of these Judenratt organizations and synagogues, one by one on the phone in the next week and sharing them my opinion and letting them know the blood of my relatives in Shchedrin , Belarus scream at the tyranny being committed by these self-loathing , freedom hating Jewish traitors.