
Should we ban the blacks and Muslims who have invaded this forum recently?

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Author Topic: Should we ban the blacks and Muslims who have invaded this forum recently?  (Read 33757 times)

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Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re:  Abdul Aziz..."why Muslims and Jews no longer get a long!"

We Jews were exiled by the Romans 2000 yrs. ago; they destroyed OUR Temple, destroyed OUR land, and renamed OUR country to further humiliate us and mark us as an exterminated people.
However, in spite of unspeakable atrocities committed against us, including a mass murder genocide campaign carried out by Nazi Germany (with the collusion and aid of Muslims worldwide), we refused to disappear, and also refused to forget OUR Homeland.
Finally, we RETURNED home to OUR LAND (NOT MUSLIM LAND; NOT ARAB LAND), beginning in the 1860's.
We Jews had to fight to the death to take OUR Land back, and had to fight to the death to defend OUR Land.
All we have faced from the "Muslims" is another campaign of all-out slander, genocide, and hate.
Seems that "the religion of peace" (that's a real joke) is unable to coexist with any other people or culture or religion anywhere in the world.
So, ABDUL, you ask ME why we don't get along?

p.s.--Soon you'll all pay hell for every act of murder and genocide you've committed against us.  Any group of people who wages war against the Jewish People with a sneak attack on the Jewish Highest Holy Day deserves death and annihilation.  In fact, to so much as refer to Mohammedan garbage as "people" is an honor no one should bestow upon you.  You're murderous sub-human Nazi pig garbage; that's the nicest thing I can think of to say about you.


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You and the other a-holes have nothing interesting to say. Your last comment is proof you and the rest need to be banned by your ip.

and I believe that there are many Jewish people here interested in discussing issue surrounding why Muslims and Jews no longer get a long!

In this you are mistaken there has never been a period in time where the Jews and Muslims got along, the closest that ever happened was when Jews were practically a slave class to their Muslims overlords, then their was oppression and pogroms and hatred but it wasnt as intense as today. If you want I will bring you the examples......


But I am going to disagree with you here...... Yes there was some persecution of the Jews by the muslims, however if we dealve deeper into history then you will see that Jews, Christians and Muslims lived together for centuries.
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Re:  Abdul Aziz..."why Muslims and Jews no longer get a long!"

Finally, we RETURNED home to OUR LAND (NOT MUSLIM LAND; NOT ARAB LAND), beginning in the 1860's.

I think you need to get your facts right and read a history book not written by a Jew.....Try an independent one or one written by neither a Jew or a Muslim.....What I wrote in an earlier post in response to your quote: "At that time, 400 years into the occupation of Palestine by the Muslims, Christians were still the majority in the country. Throughout this long period, no effort was made to impose Islam on them. Only after the expulsion of the Crusaders from the country, did the majority of the inhabitants start to adopt the Arabic language and the Muslim faith - and they were the forefathers of most of today's Palestinians"
Critics and opponents of JTF should also be permitted to post messages on this forum as long as the criticism does not include threats or personal attacks. It is healthy for JTF supporters to learn how to debate and respond to such critics, and it also makes the forum more interesting.

Offline kahaneloyalist

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But I am going to disagree with you here...... Yes there was some persecution of the Jews by the muslims, however if we dealve deeper into history then you will see that Jews, Christians and Muslims lived together for centuries.

The persecution was constant, in Muslim countries there was and is a law, that if a Jew dies any of their children under 13 are forcibly converted to Islam. Only in Muslim countries under the influence of colonialism was this law abrogated, but the few Muslims countries that remained free have that law on their books to this day.

Throughout the time Jews lived under Muslims Jews were forced to pay a Jizya tax, wherby the leader of the Jewish community would pay the Muslims overlords for protection and be publicly humiliated by the local rulers.

In through the fall of Saddam Hussein, if a Jew passes on the right side of a Arab the Arab may kill the Jew without any legal repurcussions.

In the 1880's in Syria the Jews of Damascus were slaughtered in a blood libel.

During WWII there was a pro-Nazi coup in Iraq, which included the open goal of a genocide against the Jews.
Re: Abdul Aziz..."why Muslims and Jews no longer get a long!"

Finally, we RETURNED home to OUR LAND (NOT MUSLIM LAND; NOT ARAB LAND), beginning in the 1860's.

I think you need to get your facts right and read a history book not written by a Jew.....Try an independent one or one written by neither a Jew or a Muslim.....What I wrote in an earlier post in response to your quote: "At that time, 400 years into the occupation of Palestine by the Muslims, Christians were still the majority in the country. Throughout this long period, no effort was made to impose Islam on them. Only after the expulsion of the Crusaders from the country, did the majority of the inhabitants start to adopt the Arabic language and the Muslim faith - and they were the forefathers of most of today's Palestinians"

So by your own admission the Arabs came late to Eretz Yisrael. Well, a squatter is not the rightful owner no matter how long they have been sitting on the land they have stolen.

There have never been a "palestinian" people, they were invented by Johan Van Leers. Van Leers was a Nazi who was a personal aide to Jospeh Goebbles, after the war Van Leers escaped to Egypt where he became a Muslim, and a leader in the propaganda office of Nasser. In 1963 Van Leers realized that the slogan "we will push the Jews into the sea" isnt a easy sell, especially so soon after the holocaust. So he used a old Nazi tactic, the big lie, the idea that if you shout a lie loud enough and long enough everyone will believe it. And using the big lie technique he invented a poor persecuted minority just trying to get their homeland back, and the "palestinians" were born. He was also careful to fill their leadership ranks with Egyptians like Arafat. But that is largely internal Arab politics.

If you want a history book written by a third party how about Joan Peters "From Time Immemrial"? http://www.amazon.com/Time-Immemorial-Arab-Jewish-Conflict-Palestine/dp/0963624202/sr=8-1/qid=1160664833/ref=pd_bbs_1/002-0402797-2124864?ie=UTF8

Or heres a man on the scene Laurence Oliphant writing in the late 1800's what does he say?

. . . it is a singular fact that the strip of coast from Haifa to Caesarea seems to have become a center of influx of colonists and strangers of the most diverse races. The new immigrants to Caesarea are Slavs. Some of them speak a little Turkish. Arabic is an unknown tongue to them, which they are learning. Their own language is a Slav dialect. When the troubles in the [Ottoman] provinces of Bosnia and Herzegovina first broke out [1875], which led to Russo-Turkish war, a howl of indignation went up from the philanthropists. . . When it [the agrarian question] was settled by handing over the provinces to Austria, the Slav-Moslem aristocracy, finding themselves in their turn persecuted by their former peasants and the Christian power which protected them, migrated to the more congenial rule of the sultan. So the curious spectacle of a Slav population migrating from Austrian rule to Asia, in order to be under a Moslem government.

Close beside the new Bosnian colony there are planted in the plain of Sharon two or three colonies of Circassians. These are the people who committed the Bulgarian atrocities. The irony of fate has now placed them within three or four miles of colonists belonging to the very race that they massacred. They, too, fleeing from government by Christians [Austria], have sought refuge under the sheltering wing of the sultan, where, I regret to say, as I described in a former letter, they still indulge in their predatory propensities. In the immediate proximity to them are the black tents of a tribe of Turcomans. They belong to the old Seljuk stock, and the cradle of their tribe gave birth to the present rulers of the Turkish Empire. They have been here for about three hundred years, and have forgotten the Turkish language, but a few months ago a new migration arrived from the mountains of Mesopotamia. These nomads spoke nothing but Turkish, and hoped to find a warm welcome from their old tribesmen on the plain of Sharon. In this they were disappointed, and they have now, to my disgust, pitched their tents on some of the spurs of Carmel, where their great hairy camels and their own baggy breeches, contrast curiously with the camels and costumes of the Bedouins with whom we are familiar.
[Lawrence Oliphant, Haifa, pp 238-39; quoted in Bat Yeor, The Dhimmi (Rutherford, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson Univ. Press, 1985), pp 385-388]

so most of the Muslims were colonists arriving in the late 1800's.
"For it is through the mercy of fools that all Justice is lost"


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Ban those who break the rules.


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Thats about the most sensible thing I have heard on here!!!

Thank god!

El Cabong!

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In reply to Kahaneloyalist from previous page:

Exactly, the Jews created Israel with the direction of G-d before there was even a thought of muslims or islam. Islam is a relatively new religion in comparison with Judaism, Buddhism and Christianity. But it is the most backwards and violent of all. The arabs started this cult because they were jealous they had no religion so they concocted this madness by copying and twisting around The Bible and The New Testament.  Israel belonged to the Jews first, and will always belong to them no matter how many times the arabs squat and steal the land.

Offline jsullivan

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A message to keyser:

You sent an obscene and insulting personal message to El Cabong. 

I don't want to ban you or the other Muslims here because we enjoy defeating you in every debate.  We have won every argument with you because the truth is stronger than all of your pathetic lies.

But there is one thing we will not tolerate: if you continue to send obscene or insulting messages, you will be banned.

I am not going to give you another warning, and I expect you to violate the rules again because Muslims are like immature children who cannot control their primitive emotions.

You can debate, you can disagree, you can even repeat your usual lies which we will refute.  But you can't insult or use dirty language.


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No way, this is OUR place
we shouldn't be hiding behind bans and such tools,
it would look as though we can't fight for our views and stands
and instead take the easy way out, ban them? where's the fun in that?
let's give them HELL,
banning is for trolls and spammers in my opinion,
all others is fair kill 
« Last Edit: October 12, 2006, 05:47:14 PM by Dante »

Offline Shlomo

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I think that as long as they do not violate the rules, they should not be banned.

The purpose of this forum is to get people to debate. 

If people come on the forum insulting or threatening or using obscenities, then they should be banned.  But if people - even evil people - come here to debate without insults or dirty language, they should be permitted to continue.

Of course, we don't want people to distract us from our main issues with fruitless and endless debates.  The way to solve that problem is to lock threads that have exhausted their usefulness. 

But I think banning should only be used when the rules are broken, and the latest black posters - while irritating - have not broken any rules in my opinion. 

We are not afraid of debate and I think we handle ourselves very well.

Look, jsullivan, I say this with all due respect. You know I am NOT afraid to debate ANYONE. I've had my share on here but things have been changing recently that needs to be thought through.

The forum has gotten a little crazy. We've got all these extremes going on recently... either all blondes and blacks are evil -or- we have people calling us all sorts of names and causing problems. I'm not sure what to make of it. I try to explain in simple terms what the JTF position is, but this forum hasn't seemed very JTF recently.

Allowing crazy people in the forum is like allowing "palastinians" in Israel. Where do we go to get away from this crap and meet like minded people?

If we aren't banning them so they don't call us racist or exclusive, then what's the difference with the Jews in Israel? Are these the kind of people that the Torah says to stay away from or is this a freak show to attract a wider audience? I'm not even enjoying coming in here like I used to and you are going to start losing the good posters.
"In the final analysis, for the believer there are no questions, and for the non-believer there are no answers." -Chofetz Chaim


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A message to jsullivan

Point taken!! But what the childish insults against us??? U seem to turn a blind eye to them?? Typical jewish double strandards!! ANyways you can ban me, but if you havent realsied...your wasting your time!! Its very easy to get back on....so lets all play ball by the rules. Also, it looks like to me you guys are losing the debates....!! ;)

Offline jsullivan

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jeffguy, you make some good points.  Your opinion on this issue is certainly valid and reasoned.  And I have a great deal of respect for you because you are one of our best posters.  I'm certainly not happy to hear that you do not enjoy coming to this forum as much as you did in the past.  Coming from an excellent poster like you that is certainly something that should be taken seriously.

But when you write about the need for like-minded people to come to the forum, I think you can see that the vast majority of posters here are like-minded.  There are only a handful of black and Muslim agitators who have come here because they can't stand the truth.

It's true that we advocate removing the millions of Arab Muslim Nazis who live in the Land of Israel.  That's because their presence there endangers the survival of Israel and the Jewish people.

The Jew-hating blacks and Muslims on this forum also want to see the Jewish people destroyed, G-d forbid.  But their presence here serves a number of purposes: first, it teaches our posters how to debate; second, every one of the dozen or so Muslims who have come to this forum in the past several months came here starting out with the claim that Islam is peaceful or that the murderous quotes from the Koran are only metaphors or that not all Muslims are hateful supporters of terrorism.  But in every case, the Muslim posters eventually revealed themselves to be Nazis by either calling for Israel's destruction or by defending and justifying the Muslim terrorists and so on.  These Muslims are all walking exhibits of what JTF has been saying for years.  Don't you think it's educational for our posters and readers to see this with their own eyes?

I don't think that exposing the lies of the Muslims or the black Jew-haters in open debate makes this forum a freak show.  Even though the debate gets pretty rough sometimes.

jeffguy, the good news for you is that most people on the forum apparently agree with you.  I think I'm in the minority on this issue.  I'll accept whatever decision the people on this forum make.  Yacov is the main administrator on the forum.  And neither Chaim nor myself dictate to Yacov what to do.  When he banned Barbara Fleisher on the old forum, I disagreed with him.  But he's the main admin and so I accept his decisions.

This is a great forum where people learn things that they would never learn anywhere else.  And it will be a great forum whether these evil posters are banned or not.  

One of the reasons people learn important things here is because posters like you jeffguy start new threads with all types of information.  You have frequently brought news items here that I was unaware of.  So I personally have learned new things because of your posts.  All of us have.  Which is why we take your opinion very seriously.

El Cabong!

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To lowlife muslims:
We don't have to go to your sites or forum, you seem to need to come to ours. We don't go to your land, you seem to always come to ours. We don't want to be around your kind, you seem to always want to be around us. So you see, we don't want or need you, you need and want to be with us because you are all unwanted unloved people who are hated all over the world. If your land is so holy, why do you come here and want to live here. And we don't insult you, it's just that when we speak the plain truth it shows how low your kind really is and it hurts you to know the sad truth about yourselves.. We love our children and try to help them grow into good adults. Your kind raises your children to hate and to kill themselves in the hopes of killing innocent individuals. Someone said it right, "The day muslims start doing good in the world is the day they start loving their children more than they hate Israel". Your sick cult religion is the most backwards and nonspiritual, it is immoral and violent. Your sick cult has a belief of killing themselves in order to get gold and virgins and perfumes. What a shallow, materialistic, devoid of spiritualism sick cult. We can get that here on earth if we want, we don't need to kill ourselves. The pig alla can lure you to kill yourselves for a few trinkets and carnal desires. What a pig minded twisted excuse for a G-d you morons have.

Offline jsullivan

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Now you've gone too far, keyser.

By saying you can get back on the forum even if we ban you, you are arrogantly telling us that you are in control here. 

You control nothing.  And you're banned.  And if you get on again using a different IP, we'll just ban you again.

Let this be a warning to the other hostile posters. 

Although I am of the few people here that doesn't want to ban you because I think your presence here helps us, if there is even a hint of a threat, you'll be banned immediately.

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Great post, El Cabong.  Every word is true.

El Cabong!

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Thanks, jsullivan, likewise.


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At the beginning of Rabbi Kahane's appearance at Brandeis University, a large group of people began heckling him.  One 'protester' was especially venomous, and many of Rabbi Kahane's supporters began to argue with him. 

When he saw that his people were arguing with this individual, Rabbi Kahane proclaimed, "Let him speak because he's winning votes for ME."

These morons that have come here recently are no different...they're winning votes for us.

Jeffguy, we cannot afford to lose you.  At first, I thought it was the Hebrew forum that lured you away from this forum.  Please don't go.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2006, 10:53:48 AM by Scriabin »

Offline Shlomo

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Aww... guys, I'm not leaving. You all know how to make a person really feel good inside. Your warmth and respect has meant such a great deal to me.

jsullivan, You have some very valid and logical points (what's new? :) ). I never really thought about it that way. I see your point. I also have the highest respect for you and when I see you posts, I always give them a deeper level of concentration because of your wisdom and depth. I will also agree that some of the bannings didn't seem warranted and I wouldn't have banned ANY Jewish people unless they were just extreme-over-the-top... Jewish people need this message and it's our duty to bring it to them. Also, you have become a friend.

El Cabong!, that was so true! I want to copy that post and save it in a text file. LOL  WELL SAID!

Scriabin, thank you for your kind words. I liked your posts from the very start. You have guts and you have really studied a lot about Rabbi Kahane (may his name be immortalized).

keyser, Typical Jewish double standards??? What are you even talking about? I'm glad you banned this anti-Semitic moron. What a waste.

Yacov Menashe Ben Rachamim, YOU ROCK. LOL  I loved the IP post! Even if your picture takes up the entire screen, you are one of the most helpful and active administrators I've ever seen! You have brought us the JTF forums... you have helped JTF more than you could ever know and you are the example of the difference one person can make. I can't thank you enough!

OK, I'm moving this week so if I don't post much... it's not because I'm mad or something crazy like that. I'm not really a very sensitive guy and these weirdos don't offend me. Just wish my back well moving all these books! lol
« Last Edit: October 13, 2006, 01:26:19 PM by jeffguy »
"In the final analysis, for the believer there are no questions, and for the non-believer there are no answers." -Chofetz Chaim

El Cabong!

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Well said Jeffguy. Glad to see you post. Thanks for the compliment, I couldn't believe it when I read it myself but it came out so fast and it was truly from the heart so when I read it again, I said, "Whoa, did I write that? (a la Erkel) LOL! Jsullivan calmed me down and made me see things in a different perspective and I thank him for that. Then I just wrote what I felt and thoughts just seemed to flow out. The truth always prevails. G-d Bless Israel, England, and America.

El Cabong!

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Lol, Yacov. I said England because we have poster here from England he is a good poster, Rhuan. And also England has been the only steadfast ally with the U.S. through all our wars against arabs so we have to consider then highly.


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I'm flattered that you say I'm a good poster, but one person alone is not reason enough to bless an entire country, I can see what you mean about England being with America in all the wars though.

Regarding all of these new members, I personally think that we should ban all of the ones who are nazis, such as rko and keyser.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2006, 06:17:04 PM by Rhuan »

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The JTF Forum has a few members that are indispensable jeffguy is one of them.  He is like the voice of Reason here on the forum. ElCabong, Rhuan and  a few other members are people I look for each time I log on and  would all be sorely missed. We have a great forum here good administrators , great members  and a great organization behind us in JTF.org.
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Offline Christian Zionist

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It seems Jeffguy was away for a week.  I felt his his absence when keyser and abdul aziz invaded the forum.  I also miss Habiru, Untilshiloahcomes, Takebackouttemple and Nevermore - have they moved to the Hebrew forum?  What happened to Yephora?
Isaiah 62:1 -  For Zion's sake I am not silent, And for Jerusalem's sake I do not rest, Till her righteousness go out as brightness, And her salvation, as a torch that burns.

Offline cjd

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It seems Jeffguy was away for a week.  I felt his his absence when keyser and abdul aziz invaded the forum.  I also miss Habiru, Untilshiloahcomes, Takebackouttemple and Nevermore - have they moved to the Hebrew forum?  What happened to Yephora?
Yes all very good posters! I have missed seeing Yephora's postings she always hit the nail on the head with her posts.  If she is on the Hebrew forum I hope she starts posting on here again also.
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We have great posters on this board and then there are some clowns that as of recent have shown up those are the ones that all they want to do is disrupt the forum.  I think as far as banning those that disrupt just to disrupt yes.  Blacks, Muslims or anyone.  But in general we do have a great forum with great contributors to the forum and movement.  The disrupters are nervous of a group like this that is exposing what kind of vile mutants they really are.