It will cause you distress if you ego feels hurt. Psych 102. A big ego will think that statement is denigrating the great intellectual achievement put out (don't let ego exaggerate or under-exaggerate here, it was a witty statement), a small one will think that I was offering a compliment, and if you stop taking yourself so seriously for a second, you'd see how utterly irrelevant that was and move on. It's only trolling when I do it to you.
Btw, you're great at copying my tactics, so learn a bit from this one too. How important do you think you are?
Whenever you get into these long convoluted statements, I cannot understand what you're saying. I don't think they are coherent. I'm pretty sure others also struggle to understand you.
As for my ego, I don't have one. I see it as bad for the forum that you and your buddy gang up against anyone who challenges the resident troll. He needs to be challenged. Muman's attempt to "kasher" everything he says is very counterproductive and comes from a place of ignorance. ("He sounds 'religious' so I have to defend him." - NO).
The accusations thrown at me of ad hominem - I am well aware it is just projection on the part of both of you, so how would it affect my ego? Much more importantly, it's bad for the forum because it stifles real conversation.
Did you think I was hurt by your comments? Come on, bud.