Author Topic: Prayer on the Temple Mount brought Yaakov {Jacob} a Blessing to Rule the World  (Read 1976 times)

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  • Master JTFer
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Rashi on Breishit/Genesis 28:17
"I say that Mount Moriah {the Mount the Temple is located on} was uprooted and came here; this is the jumping of the earth which is mentioned in Chulin {Page 91}. For the Temple came toward him unto Beth-el. And this is the meaning of "And he lighted upon the place" {Breishit/Genesis 28:11}. Now if you will say, "When Yaakov passed by the Temple, why did {G-d} not retain him there? {The answer is that} if he (Yaakov} himself did not set his heart to pray in the place where his fathers prayed, should he be restrained from Heaven? He went as far as Charan: as we have stated in Chulin, in the chapter entitled, Gid Hanasheh {Chapter 7}; and the Biblical verse demonstrates it, "And he went toward Charan" {28:10}. When he reached Charan, he said, "Is it possible that I have passed by the place where my fathers have prayed, and I did not pray there? {So} he set his mind to return, and he returned unto Beit-el and the Earth jumped for him {a miracle happened that got him to the Temple above the ordinary ways of nature}".

Offline edu

  • Master JTFer
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  • Posts: 1866
And if you will ask how do you know that the blessing Yaakov received at that time he prayed on the Temple Mount was a blessing to rule the world, see the words of Rashi to Breishit/Genesis 49:26