Torah Codes revealed by the ELS system reveal even more from Megillat Esther including the actual date of the hanging...
21 TISHRI (white letters on red background)
The Jewish date "21 Tishri" (kaph-aleph-tav-shin-resh-yod) is encoded at an ELS of 216, beginning in Esther 9:12 and ending in Esther 9:27. This is the date upon which the 10 Nazi war criminals were hanged. Statistically, the odds of this date occurring in this passage by random chance are less than one in 1 million!
5707 (blue letters on light blue)
Running diagonally through "21 Tishri" is the Jewish year "5707" (tav-shin-zayin), which corresponds to 1946. This year is found at an ELS of 442, beginning in Esther 9:15 and ending in Esther 9:27. It shares the shin with "Tishri."
NAZI (white letters on black)
Beginning underneath "hanged," the Hebrew transliteration of Nazi (nun-aleph-tsadi-yod) occurs. This word is found at an ELS of -650, beginning in Esther 9:19 and ending in Esther 8:9.
HANGED (yellow letters on dark green)
On the top left part of the matrix, running vertically, the Hebrew word "hanged" (tav-lamed-vav-yod) appears at an ELS of 432. It begins in Esther 8:6 and ends in Esther 9:3.
AMALEKITE (yellow letters on black)
Crossing the bottom of "21 Tishri" is the Hebrew word for "Amalekite" (ayin-mem-lamed-koph-yod). This word is found at an ELS of -7, beginning in Esther 9:27 and ending in Esther 9:26. According to Jewish tradition, the nation of Germany is thought to have descended from the biblical Amalekites (Exo. 17:8).
ARYAN purple letters on yellow)
Right above the top of "21 Tishri" is the Hebrew word "Aryan" (aleph-resh-yod). It appears at an ELS of 1 in Esther 9:8. Hitler's objective in eradicating the Jews was to have a pure Aryan race.
HAMAN (white letters on blue)
At the top of the matrix, at an ELS of 1, the name "Haman" (hey-mem-nun) appears in Esther 8:3.
TEN black letters on light blue)
Underneath "Haman," the Hebrew word "ten" (ayin-shin-resh-hey) appears at an ELS of 1 in Esther 8:12.
SONS (white letters on maroon)
Underneath "ten," at an ELS of 20, the Hebrew word "sons" (beth-nun-yod) appears. It begins in Esther 8:15 and ends in Esther 8:16.
The information in the surface text, as well as that encoded underneath the apparent text, is incredible! Only God, in His infinite power, could have inspired these things to be recorded in the book of Esther and then cause them to come to pass more than 2 millennia later. Yet He tells us that He can do this in His word.