Author Topic: Jews massacred because of Netanyahu's anti-Semitic policies (Chaim interviewed)  (Read 1775 times)

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Offline Dan193

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I'm listening to it right now.

Offline Tag-MehirTzedek

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   I didn't listen yet, I am almost certain the message will be very good as usual, BUT I would have to say that I personally don't like the title. I don't know maybe its because I am pissed about what Satmar and others keep blaming the Jews as well for these monsters. (Such as Jews going on Har Habayit etc.). The real culprits are the Islamic maniacs who must be thrown out of Eress Yisrael immediately.
.   ד  עֹזְבֵי תוֹרָה, יְהַלְלוּ רָשָׁע;    וְשֹׁמְרֵי תוֹרָה, יִתְגָּרוּ בָם
4 They that forsake the law praise the wicked; but such as keep the law contend with them.

ה  אַנְשֵׁי-רָע, לֹא-יָבִינוּ מִשְׁפָּט;    וּמְבַקְשֵׁי יְהוָה, יָבִינוּ כֹל.   
5 Evil men understand not justice; but they that seek the LORD understand all things.

Offline muman613

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I am inclined to agree with Chaim on this one. The policies of the Israel government are directly responsible for the loss of Jewish life in the Jewish state. The threat has been well known, history has shown that 'peace concessions' only result in more intifada and more death. Not responding with overwhelming, disproportionate response only invites the A-rats to kill more Jews, and more Jews. The only thing these vermin understand is overwhelming and unending force. They must be driven from our land like feral rats. The current power-structure in Israel is too thick to understand the basic facts. Netanyahu is a dinosaur and must be replaced with a true leader of the Jewish people.

You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

Offline Dan193

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Israelis voted for Netanyahu cause they wanted a strong leader. Instead Netanyahu turned out to be another version of Peres, Barak and Livni.
What Chaim is saying is, Netanyahu is scared to death of the Europeans and Obama.  Netanyahu gives into them every time.
That is why Netanyahu does not build for Jews in Eastern Jerusalem or Judea.

Chaim you are so right when you say Netanyahu always bluffs.
He says'he's going to build homes for Jews in East Jerusalem and he never does.
He says he will get tough on Arab terror and he never does.

Then some of the other crazy stuff Netanyahu does which Chaim mentioned.  Aiding these Thugs running Fatah.
Freeing Arab mass murderers, who then go on to kill more innocent Jews.  Sending all this aid to Gaza and Hamas.
Why the hell sends aid to people who celebrate slaughtering Jews.
As Chaim said, Is Netanyahu insane?  Its insanity what he's doing aiding Gaza and Fatah.

Most importantly, Israel needs a shoot to kill policy when dealing with these Muslim terrorists.
Israel urgently needs a death penalty which Chaim has mentioned alot.
I'm praying Chaim is allowed in Israel so he can run for office there.

Offline Dan193

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Chaim here's the best article which talks in detail how Netanyahu always bluffs as you mentioned.

I'm Sick of Netanyahu's Empty Building Declarations'
Nationalist Dr. Bacharach joins leftist criticism of state land declaration, calls for end to 'performances,' adoption of Levy report.
By Yishai Karov, Ari Yashar
First Publish: 9/5/201

Israel's declaration on Sunday of 4,000 dunams of unoccupied and unclaimed land in Judea as state land has brought harsh criticism from the US, the UN and other world powers, as well as from the Israeli far-left.

Writing in his weekly Arutz Sheva column, nationalist Dr. Aryeh Bacharach of the Almagor terror victims organization admitted he found himself surprisingly agreeing with the outpouring of condemnation.

"This act does not go together with (Prime Minister Binyamin) Netnayahu's declaration of his messianic vision of two states for two peoples," noted the doctor sarcastically.

When it comes down to it, Bacharach's opposition to the declaration stems from a frustration over empty building promises that are providing deceitful cover for a covert construction freeze in Judea and Samaria.

"I'm tired of Bibi's well-timed performance and his declarations on building over the 'green line,' and I'm sick of the campaign of denunciations, which is also well-timed," said the doctor, using Netanyahu's nick-name.

"If we were only to count up the number of construction declarations made by Bibi in the E1 area next to Ma'ale Adumim, where there's a huge area that other than some Bedouin settlements is completely empty," added Bacharach, noting on an area immediately east of Jerusalem that has been illegal built on by Bedouin.

The answer to the situation, according to Bacharach, is to adopt the 2012 Levy report which proved how Israel's presence in Judea and Samaria is completely legal under international law.

"This would be a meaningful and appropriate process that would finally put on the table talks about the core issue: there's no occupied territory and there's no Palestinian nation," stated Bacharach.

If Netanyahu were to finally adopt the commissioned report, Bacharach opined he would be able to retract his "wretched" 2009 Bar Ilan speech in which he stated his commitment to establishing a demilitarized Palestinian state.

"After his position is clarified in a way that is not two-faced, we can build in peace on all parts of our homeland, without claims and the chorus from all types of Israel 'lovers' like (US President Barack) Obama and others who pick away at us," concluded the doctor.

Offline Tag-MehirTzedek

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Announcing to build homes IS WORSE than not saying anything at all. Worse of everything. Giving ammunition to the enemies AND hurting the Jews as well. SICK SICK SICK
.   ד  עֹזְבֵי תוֹרָה, יְהַלְלוּ רָשָׁע;    וְשֹׁמְרֵי תוֹרָה, יִתְגָּרוּ בָם
4 They that forsake the law praise the wicked; but such as keep the law contend with them.

ה  אַנְשֵׁי-רָע, לֹא-יָבִינוּ מִשְׁפָּט;    וּמְבַקְשֵׁי יְהוָה, יָבִינוּ כֹל.   
5 Evil men understand not justice; but they that seek the LORD understand all things.

Offline Dan193

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Obama State Dept slams Israeli construction in E. Jerusalem, renewed home demolitions
Nov 20, 2014
This is exactly what Chaim mentioned in his video how Obama and Kerry pressure Netanayahu to give into these Palestinian Nazis who massacre Jews praying in Jerusalem.
Netanyahu always gives into Obama and Kerry.
Netanyahu is spineless
Israel needs a real leader like Chaim.

Offline Dan193

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Mark Levin said it best.
Listen to this audio by Levin.
Levin to Netanyahu: Tell Obama to go to hell and be done with him

Offline Debbie Shafer

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We were appalled at this massacre, these rabbis and other people were praying for peace, and they were brutally murdered.   Remember Israel is still the Apple of God's eye, and the judgement day is coming for those who are trying to destroy the Jewish people, just as punishment came to Hitler and this Nazis, and the Romans.    The Spirit of the antichrist is with us, Satan is using Islam to create wars on this earth, no wonder the Middle East is in chaos and anarchy happening in the streets.   Both Israel and America have governments that are against the people, their policies are harmful and are causing more detriment and strife.   

Offline Dan193

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Dealing with Savages
By Rabbi Pruzansky
Posted on November 21, 2014

How does a human being (or two) walk into a synagogue and begin hacking at worshippers who are immersed in prayer, leaving behind a trail of blood, victims, grief and horror?

The question is misplaced because no “human being” could do such a thing. It would have to be a beast in human form, a relic from primitive times before true humans became civilized. The Arab-Muslim animals that span the globe chopping, hacking and merrily decapitating – from Iraq to Jerusalem to New York to Oklahoma, and places in between and beyond – are a discredit even to the term “animal.” Most animals are not that brutal.

The real issue confronting Israel for decades and the civilized world today is what to do about the proliferation of savages who lust for blood and derive inspiration from their religious texts? One example not to follow is that of President Obama’s. In one of his more ludicrous statements in the last few months – amid a healthy competition – he decried the attack, the loss of life “on both sides (!),” and then added this gem: that the “overwhelming majority of Palestinians…want to live in peace.” Really? And based on what data was that determination made? That only tens of thousands of “Palestinians” rejoiced after the massacre, singing and dancing in the streets, distributing candies and sweets, praising the vicious slaughter and the slaughterers – and not hundreds of thousands? Polls in the PA reveal widespread support for the murder of Jews so what exactly is he talking about??

Obama seems to be as much an expert on “Palestinian” society as he is about Islam generally. His incessant protestation that ISIS distorts Islam is based on…what exactly? ISIS and sundry other radical groups seem to feel that they are fulfilling the dictates of Islam – and the few Muslims who disagree meet their fate at the business end of a machete. Actions speak louder than words. Obama’s expertise in Islam has led him to cede the Middle East to the most ruthless forces, embrace the radical Muslim Turk Erdogan as an American ally, and facilitate Iran’s acquisition of nuclear weapons. Perhaps with a nuclear weapon, Iran will be civilized, or so the thinking goes.

Little can or should be expected from Obama or from the Europeans, mired as they are in cultural deterioration, moral relativism, population decline and Muslim-inspired Jew hatred. Sweden just became the latest country to recognize “Palestine.” Sweden (!), which willfully encourages those who favor the shechita of Jews even as they themselves ban the shechita (ritual slaughter) of animals. How is that for misplaced priorities and corrupt values? And we should be clear, as the wave of recognition sweeps Europe in the coming year: any country that recognizes a “Palestine” is endorsing the mass slaughter of Jews.

But Israel has to act, especially as the violence has spiraled out of control. The dynamic needs to change, dramatically. At a certain point, the unrestrained behavior of unruly animals becomes the fault of the zookeeper, not the animals. What can be done?

Clearly, many things can be done that should not be in print, but the general approach needs to be the abandonment of defensive, reactive moves and an embrace of offensive, anticipatory, and proactive moves. The Arabs need to feel that they are paying a heavy price for murdering Jews. Right now, not only do they not pay a heavy price but the murderers and their families benefit. Here are some suggestions to change the dynamic, and they are all based on a single premise: that there is a war  for the land of Israel that is being waged, and the Arabs who dwell in the land of Israel are the enemy in that war and must be vanquished.

Israel should make clear that a Palestinian state will never be created between the river and the sea. There will be no non-Jewish national entity tolerated. The Muqata in Ramallah should be destroyed and “President” Abbas should be incarcerated as a war criminal.

Terrorists will be killed, not captured (no great loss, as their fondest wish is for martyrdom). Their bodies will not be returned to their families but will be cremated, and perhaps the ashes buried with deceased pigs. The homes of the extended family (up to and including first cousins) of the terrorist will be destroyed, and they will all be deported to the Muslim country of their choice. A second terrorist in a village results in the destruction of that village and the deportation of its residents to a friendlier country. (If the homes in that village would be useful to Jews, then they should be retained and given to Jews after the evil residents are deported. Or, as they used to say in Israel, disengaged.)

Anyone who riots or throws a stone at a Jew should be shot – with real bullets. Rubber bullets and tear gas should be sold to the Amish. Those who wish to be martyred and who celebrate death should be accommodated as often as possible. The media should be barred from scenes of violence, cell service canceled and cameras confiscated, like in most war zones.

In the meantime, Arab access to the Temple Mount will be denied for at least six months, and Jewish prayer will be allowed thenceforth at permissible locations, such as they might be. It is unconscionable crime to deny Jews the right to move their lips on the Temple Mount! And those who refrain from ascending the Mount for halachic reasons will surely agree that if Jews cannot be there, certainly Muslims cannot be there. And perhaps the day will come in the near future when the mosque and the dome can be uplifted intact and reset in Saudi Arabia, Syria or wherever it is wanted. (The Arab countries can fight over it if they want.) That itself will preclude any Arab claim to Jerusalem.

The same restrictions and limitations would pertain to the Cave of Machpelah in Hevron. Any terror emanating from Hevron results in closure of the facility to Muslims. In fact, we should apply to Muslim holy places the exact same respect and deference they have shown to Jewish, Christian, Buddhist and Hindu holy sites across the world. That seems only fair.

As noted here in the past, measures need to be implemented that encourage Arab emigration – the payment of stipends, compensation for property, etc. Thy must be made to feel that that they have no future in the land of Israel – no national future and no individual future. Start with the Arabs of Judea and Samaria who are stateless; they deserve to find a country in which they can be full citizens and make their contribution to society. Let them demonstrate in an Arab country their dexterity with bombs and their grace with machetes. (If Israeli Arabs persist in their support of terror – now at a low level, but who can predict the future? – they should forfeit their citizenship and be returned to military rule as it was before 1966.) Of course, those who wish to stay and be peaceful, acknowledging the sovereignty of the Jewish people in the land of Israel, are welcome to stay. But an enemy is an enemy – and one who wants to kill you, maim you, blow up your buses, trains and restaurants, run over your pedestrians and conquer your capital is an enemy, and a ruthless one at that. Why so many Israelis do not perceive that is an enduring enigma, an enigma that has enabled the relentless slaughter of Jews.

There are other measures as well but here is the problem: not a single method above will be enacted. That is why right now there is absolutely no deterrent to the murder and maiming of Jews. Indeed, it is exactly the opposite. The slaughter of Jews is incentivized in Arab society. Often the terrorist is killed (martyrdom and virgins), lionized and immortalized with the naming after him of streets, schools and camps (eternity), and his family receives a monthly pension of thousands of dollars to compensate for his lost earnings (financial reward). Under those circumstances, and given the primitive culture in which they are raised, it is an irrational act not to want to murder Jews.

That is the dynamic that has to change.

Yet, despite everything, much of Israeli society still clings to the illusion that “peace” is possible with these savages, or at least that someone, somewhere, sometime, will sign a peace treaty with them. That illusion is slowly receding, but it is still abetted by the elites of Israeli society, especially because it is being propounded and pushed by Western governments like the US and in the European Union. There is no more deadly illusion on the planet, except for construing ISIS as a cold summer treat enjoyed by children.

Rational thinkers will argue that the “world” will never tolerate such Draconian sanctions, that countries will sever diplomatic relations with Israel, cut off trade ties and completely isolate the Jewish state. And, in the short term, much of that is true. But is there an alternative short of national suicide and self-immolation? Israel has much to offer the world, without which many people in the world would suffer, that such alienation will be short-lived. And Israel’s pivot to Asia (much more successful than Obama’s clumsy and failed one) has allowed Israel to strike close relations with the two largest nations on the globe, China and India. Neither country is moved in its foreign affairs by a moral impulse and both countries are anxious for military ties with Israel. And do not overestimate the popularity of the Palestinians in the rest of the world; truth be told, they are reviled even in the Arab world, perhaps even more than in Europe.

We should not ignore as well the rank hypocrisy that promotes the double standard that cripples Israel’s ability to defend itself. Case in point: this week, Egypt evicted thousands of Arabs along the Gaza border and destroyed hundreds of their homes for “security reasons.” No courts, no appeals, no process. Some of the homes were being used to conceal tunnels, so they all had to go.

Moral? Not in normal times, but Egypt recognizes it is at war with a heartless enemy, and that enemy and its population deserve no accommodation. Even Jen Psaki found no fault in Egypt’s actions, the phony.

If only Jews would realize the same and stop fantasizing about convincing that enemy of our own goodness. Here is one exercise that should help: the same enemy that lynched soldiers in Ramallah and tore them apart is the same enemy that butchered holy Jews this week in Har Nof is the same enemy that kidnapped and murdered three precious boys just a few months ago.

It’s the same enemy. And that enemy rides our buses, shops in our malls, drives on our roads and lives just two miles from us. The same enemy.

Do you know where that enemy is, and what he is plotting right now?

Change the dynamic. Change the terms of the debate. Change the rules of war. And change the outcome that the enemy now anticipates. Such will save Jewish lives and even bring redemption.

Offline A-S-H-E-R

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Not just Netanyahu but the entire Israeli Government is responsible
For the death of Jews in Israel every day ! They do nothing to stop it
On the ZELLO APP : asheriko

Offline Yehudayaakov

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Europe arab recognition in various white countries and Jews massacred because of Netanyahu's anti-Semitic policies.

Offline Dan193

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Ezra Levant details the Islamo Nazis Israel is dealing with.
Ezra Levant details the anti Israel press heard in the news.
This is a must hear.