The original depictions of Jews vary, in the Egyptian art Jews are lighter than Egyptians but appear to be a brownish to olive tone likely a southern mediterranean people with Caucasoid features. In some depictions in the dura Europa's synagogue moses is depicted almost as black yet Abraham and others are depicted as white or in some cases olive,
Samaritans today look olive to white. Some Ashkenazi look dark and middle Eastern while some Sephardic can have blonde hair and blue eyes, some pure Arabs from Saudi Arabia can look white , I think its complex due to Israels location and a multitude of Egyptians and others came put with moses to Israel. There's also the case of some documented intermarriage with moabites and other people of the land and I'm sure during hellinization there was mixing with the Syrian Greeks. My guess is most Jews resembled Cypriots Greeks or southern italians with exceptions.