You are correct, he cursed first with "screw you" and after the soft response from Slobodan he said how Slobodan should take his gusle (holy musical instrument) and go away to Montenegro ( where gusle are popular). This moron wants to associate the greatest treasure of our people with something backward and primitive. 
Again you smoru...
You are calling me a moron? No, moron is your name. I know them, they post on Serbian forums, so you don't need to shield these guys, you're the problem here, not they.
Who asked you for your opinion here? Your English accent is something you have to work on. What a stupid earthworm you are. In a way your silly postings are responsible for Serbian people leaving this forum. Where are they? Long gone! Throughout the years, there was a bunch of Serbs posting here, and where are they now? I know at least 6 of them, and they feel sorry for you.
Why did you call your screen name "Serbian army" at first place when you are a sissy? If you had any intellect at all, you wouldn't be presenting your gruesome theories about Serbs with a Serbian flag next to your screen name and degrading us that way. No sane, sapient Serb would ever agree with any of your morbid theories about Serbian history and origins.
One of your latest sicknesses on JTF forum was when you posted a video about Serbian Christmas. You are an underdog who lives out of Europe and that video had nothing to do with some crazy asss people in Jackson, USA, who call themselves "Serbs". They have American forenames and besides, they seem to know nothing about Serbian tradition. Those [censored] were shooting from their rifles like crazy and you present that as "celebrating Serbian Christmas"? You blab about Serbian history by starting some wicked conspiracy theories as a result of your so called "research".
Your India mumbo-jumbo theories could never be welcomed on great Serbian forums. Serbian people buzzed from JTF forum when they got sick from a crazy individual like yourself. There is almost nobody left here, besides you, the greatest lunatic out of all.
The sad part here is, when people who are reading this forum, see your nonsense, see a Serbian flag next to your nonsense and can easily equalize that with other Serbs being just like you. Remove the flag, dumb [censored].
Прекини да се мешаш смору, досадио си и Богу и народу. Нико овде није будала, сем тебе. Oд Наших
On top of your dumb posts, you confronted Chaim on various occasions, when you defended your impudent political views which can offend Jews, on and out of JTF.
You troll here every day with your threads made to insult and provoke the Jews, Last provocative thread of yours is the one about Putin..,74607.0.html