Author Topic: Re: Any JDL old timer here that knows this creep bad mouthing Rav Kahane Z'TL  (Read 1098 times)

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Title: Re: Any JDL old timer here that knows this creep bad mouthing Rav Kahane Z'TL
Post by: JDLcombatveteran on December 10, 2014, 01:40:45 AM

Shalom Chaverim, B'H    12/10/2014

Happy Chanukah!

This is Howard Brand. I go way back prior to JDL's founding in 09/1968 back to 4002 New Utrecht Ave. Boro Park.

Yossi Klein, used to hang around the 3rd office we had opened in Manhattan at 144 W. 27th St, (315 7th Ave.), 9th floor.

Klein was actually never a JDL OFFICIAL MEMBER. Dov Fisch, an early '70's JDL Exec. Dir. didn't trust him. He carried the green SUPPORTER ID card.

Klein, was always suspected of being an CI for the FBI.

This originally came from Garth Kravat, (Former JDL General ,Oz A & Oz B Chaya Squads.)

At least from my standpoint, as JDL Bronx Co-ordinator and Chief Intelligence Officer.

The guy could fire off questions as if he had an ATF Class III Machine-gun Permit.

I specifically recall one particular incident at that JDL office in Manhattan when the FBI broke in on Sunday, May 23, 1973, 8 AM.

I was alone in the office on guard duty with Sheldon Davis when the FBI busted in with a search warrant and sledgehammers and proceeded to open our floor safe that we kept money in from the pushka collections.

In that safe, the FBI recovered a large stash of dynamite and blasting caps.

Two days earlier, on Friday morning, Yossi was not sitting at one of the desks writing up a piece for a column or chatting it up with whoever was there.

He was just walking around the office, looking very suspicious, like someone who knew that he was being followed by detectives in a dept. store.

I suppose because he knew he wasn't welcome in any of the specialized JDL functions I was part of he pretty much avoided me altogether.

However, I also found it strange that someone who was shomer Shabbas would show up at the JDL office on a day, with no local actions or mobilizations scheduled, and that we were only open for 3-4 hours.

Anyway, the guy made aliyah in the early 80's, and has been a journalist in Israel throughout this time.

I suspect that the journalism gig was his way of circumventing FBI data entries into his records that he was part of the JDL with regards to the Sol Hurok bombing and similar items that the press liked to kick around so that the Israeli Shin Bet would not force him back to the US.

Some people joined JDL because they heard the Rav's message and wanted to take their place in Jewish history and do great things.

OTOH, due in large part to the marginalization that JDL suffered through the years from the Jewish left and the media, we had to deal with a lot of unsavory characters that tried and did participate in official JDL business, and all the while only doing things with the singular goal of personal enrichment.

In my heart of hearts, Yossi Klein was not the guy you wanted standing next to you when operational business or words such as "Kadima Tzahad !" became appropriate.

I'm not talking Nebish, here either. I'm specifically referring to the old problem endemic within the JDL entire, "Who can you trust ?"

Klein, in my book was not trustworthy.

If he ever badmouthed Rabbi Kahane, zt'l, hyd, this only confirms my suspicions that not allowing him to ever be carded as a JDL OFFICIAL MEMBER was the right decision at the time.

Howard S. Brand, LLD, Ph.D.
JDL Deputy Chairman & Participating Founding Member, (1968-2002)