Author Topic: "The land belongs to no one"  (Read 868 times)

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"The land belongs to no one"
« on: December 18, 2014, 02:34:45 PM »
Here is my response to this ignorant talk back comment on anti-semetic Yahoo!

God did not give anyone anything. The earth does not belong to anyone, if Mother nature wants, it will wipe the entire human race in 10 seconds. Be humble and treat each other with respect.

My response:

No, God only gave everything for the fish in the sea and none of us have a right to be around and claim anything. The reality is, everything belongs to God and He can give it to anyone or take it away. For the Jewish people, he gave the Land of Israel. And, He took it away for awhile, but promised to return us to the land which He had promised. God is the landlord of the world and universe.

And yes, we should be humble and treat other with respect. I agree 100%. But how humble? Why was the Torah and 10 commandments given on a small mountain called Mount Sinai and not the loftiest like Mount Everest? To teach us be humble. However, why not in a valley? Good question, right? The valley is the lowest place..the most humble. Well, there are two lessons from this. We should be humble like a small mountain, but not too humble, like the valley. If we are too humble, people will step all over us. People stepped all over us for 2000 years after the Romans expelled us and today I say, "Never again will anyone step all over us!"

No go to ISIS and the rest of the Muslim world and teach them to be humble and respectful because quite clearly, THEY believe the whole world belongs to them and none of it to us who don't believe in their false faith.

Gotta love the Rabbi Kahane speeches.. He gave the best shut everybody up.
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein