The trouble with Glick, Federman, Konstantyn, Riskin, Feiglin etc is that they're just
too tenderly Jewish and
too nice! Hence Glick's standing as an MK for the wimp Likud party!
Like most Jews after 2000 years of Exile, they just do not have any killer or vicious instinct in them, having which is
a prerequisite for being a true Tzaddik, as explained in the Tanya!
The Israeli acts tough, but he is soft and rotten inside, just like the Sabra fruit after which he is named. The Israelis, especially the Haredim, have viciously perpetuated the Golus inside Eretz Yisroel.
The Israelites lost their true killer battalions when Yaakov's twin brother, the killer Eisov, went renegade.
The only hope is the Rabbinate's reinstitution for the Shmittah Year of the category of the Ger Toshav ie elite Gentile 'killer' Noahides who affiliate themselves as the Jewish People's "Fourth Family".
Hence the daring new book "The World of the Ger" by Clorfene & Katz which redefines the Ger Tzedek and the Ger Toshav

R.Kahane, Marzel and Chaim were only saved from being in this category because they originated in New York!