It's true. The Christians who read in their bible about the Judean city of Bethlehem didn't see the word Palestinian in it. Now the Palis try to make it into an Anti-Israel celebration. Under Israeli rule, the Christians had it good. Now the Muslims took over.
I remember when Arafat said that Yeshu was a "Palestinian". I guess that was his version of how blacks say everyone was black.
On FB, as I argued with a pack of mudrats, a fat old beast married to a self-hating Jew told the Arabs that in her bible, it says "Palestine". I pray for the day all these purposely mistranslated "bibles" are all burned forever, along with all the evil fools who had the gall to correctly translate what happens to you if you try to twist the book.
Lol now the Sun shines in Balestine in the new phony testaments. Every day they get newer and newer.
I also know one of the real Xtians (and if you don't believe that they're the real ones, just ask them) who got very mad when I said what muslims are, and he went on a rampage defending their devotion to their idol he thinks is G-d. It's obvious to me what's happening, and it's a continuation of something Chaim said that will start another war here if I say the whole thing, but the war he said G-d set up, it's not only to prove that the Koran's evil is weakness, I think G-d is taking everyone down at once. May that day come in haste by our actions of great emmunah, not in it's time.