I just emailed him. Let's all email him and give him the beotch-slapping of a lifetime:
This is what I wrote:
Professor Rubin,
I am shocked, appalled and dismayed that a Jew such as yourself who claims to be the son-in-law of a Holocaust survivor would go on a rant against Israel.
Did it ever occur to you to you that if there had been a state of Israel during the Nazi regime, your mother in law and the other Jews of Europe could have had a place to go to rather than the concentration camps? Doesn't look like it.
People have the right to voice their opinions and to freely assemble in order to do so. You of all people should know that. But just out of curiosity, would you have gone on an equally hate filled rant if it was some pro-fakestinian group organizing a rally? Somehow I doubt it.
Also, what is it with liberal Jews and their aversion to Republicans? I'm Jewish and I've never understood it. However, it's obvious that sick, self hating Jews such as you, would vote for another Adoph Hitler as long as there's a D next to his name.