General Category > Ask JTF

Ask JTF for 04/06/2015 through 04/12/2015

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Dear Chaim, is Saudi Arabia the worst country in the world?

Joe Gutfeld:
Shalom, Chaim!  What is your view on the stupid deal that Obama has with Iran?  Thanks

Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks:
What's worse, MEHM or Schvartze HM? Discuss the Arab who was forcibly bathed in jail and Helen Hamas ysv. Egyptian horse-rapist and Arafag: related?

How likely are the possibilitied of a Cruz-Paul or Paul-Cruz ticket for 2016? What would you do if either one turns out to be the case?

Dear Chaim, do you think we are headed for another major recession in the USA? What about Israel?


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