Thanks for the questions! "How long have you been following JTF?"
I have been following JTF since I discovered Youtube, approximately 2008. I was searching for good right wing / pro-Israel videos; David Horowitz, Robert Spencer, Daniel Pipes, and then one day I came across JTF, I love Chaim's sense of humour.
"What are the gun laws in Canada (or the provinces within)?"
They are Labyrinthian, I actually had to look this one up: according to the RCMP's website, there are restricted firearms, and there are prohibited firearms: There is the criminal code of Canada and there is the Firearms Act So, yeah! Lots of Canadians have hunting rifles, but assault rifles are not very common although I believe they are restricted which means you can get special license to own them as long as they are not automatic; handguns are not very common but you can get license, and of course automatic weapons are totally prohibited. Certain ammo is illegal, magazines over 10 rounds are illegal, certain types of scopes and folding stocks are illegal.
There used to be a "long gun registry" but the Conservative Party scrapped it years ago. There are no "gun stores" in Nova Scotia, only places sell guns are Canadian Tire and Walmart etc, they only sell hunting rifles, not handguns or AR type firearms.
"Is your social healthcare over-rated?"
I've never lived outside Canada so I don't have anything else to compare it to; but in general the system has become quietly more mixed (public/ private) in the last decade or so, since we had to allow some private health care companies to move in and take the strain off the over-stretched public system (MSI). MSI doesn't cover dental, you need private insurance for dental.
There are long wait times for certain surgeries with MSI. The long wait times are the most notorious dis-advantage with Canada public health care, which is why years ago there was a big debate over allowing (legalizing) some private health care in Canada, like MRI clinics. The left wing parties fought against it because it would mean "rich" people could "jump" the queues ("No 2 tier health care!") My buddy who works at the hospitals tells me there is a small private hospital somewhere nearby. MRI clinics are all over the place.
The gov't run hospitals are very modern and state of the art but it is run by the gov't which means big govermnent unions and bureaucracy. All the nurses are part of big public service unions. They recently tried to strike in NS, which was very unpopular. The govt passed "back to work" legislation immediately and the nurses who didn't show up for work got fined, LOL.
Doctors are paid more in the US private health care system so Canada has difficult time retaining doctors and specialists, adding to wait times. Rural areas in NS have VERY hard time retaining doctors as they can get paid more in US or other parts of Canada.