Author Topic: Eighteenth Day: Florida Imams Busted For Financing Terrorism In Pakistan  (Read 897 times)

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Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Offline OakWood

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Tiresome. It's becoming a monotonous bad joke now.
It's about time that the Muslim menace was purged from all Western nations and from any land that was built upon firm Judeo-Christian principles.
I would like to see the Muslim turds flushed out, quarantined and disinfected. Send them back to the scorching desert from where their devilish ideology originated. It's the only language these bastards understand. You can't negotiate with them and you can't appease them. They only understand brute force.

Contrary to what their sordid little book of porn (the Q'uran) tells them, they don't own anything. The World is not theirs. Everything that they have they stole from others. They don't even own Mecca or Medina (Yathrib), they stole those as well, but I'm prepared to be generous - they can have these two cities and the rest of Arabia too.
They should be driven out of the civilised World and squashed like sardines back into the Arabian desert. One billion plus Muslims can live the rest of their pointless lives as they wish. Deprived of Western help and Western technology, they will revert to type. They can kill each other, rape each other and cannibalise each other to their little heart's content. I don't care what they do as long as they are kept away from the rest of us. Let's see then how they cope.
 Let us see how their false god Allah takes care of them. They believe that they are superior to the rest of us but they will soon find out that they are not!

Offline angryChineseKahanist

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Yes it is a porn book. It talks about grampa having sex with a 6 year old girl. It talks about 72 virgins and 28 boy servants.
Sex and violence.