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Ask JTF for 05/04/2015 through 05/10/2015

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Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks:
Compare American Pruneface and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz. Tell us a SHJ Action Story. Discuss the great Jew Yusuf Al-Khattab. What's worse, Deform "Judaism" or Islam? Thank you!

Does Seth Rogen deserve to be cursed? Please give him a trandational Chaim blessing.

Joe Gutfeld:
Shalom, Chaim!  What do you think of the riots in Baltimore? Also, can you curse the DA there for charging 6 cops with murder?  Thanks!

Binyamin Yisrael:
Discuss each individual in detail: 1. Dick Cheney 2. Donald Rumsfeld 3. Robert Gates 4. Leon Panetta 5. Ashton Carter 6. George Tenet 7. Sandy Berger

Rational Jew:
Kyle kulinski, white leftish radio host praises Malcolm x, justifies black riots, advocates 4 fag "marriage", attacks bible as "violent". Anna baltzer


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