Author Topic: Sins That Bring The Sword  (Read 2775 times)

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Sins That Bring The Sword
« on: October 23, 2015, 07:46:18 AM »

The most simple reason that Israel is suffering from Terrorism is because of a refusal to comply with the Biblical Commandment to Expel Evil Gentiles from the Land of Israel (see Chazon Ish on Shviit, siman 24).
For those that understand Hebrew, see also Ohr Hachaim to Bamidbar 33:22 quoted below
אור החיים במדבר פרק לג פסוק נב

נב) והורשתם וגו'. והגם שאמר הכתוב בז' עממין (דברים כ) לא תחיה כל נשמה, כאן מדבר הכתוב חוץ מז' עממין הנמצאין שם, ולזה דקדק לומר את כל יושבי הארץ לומר אפילו שאינם מז' עממין. או אפשר שחוזר על אומה שאין כח בהם להורגם שישתדלו להורישם ולא יניחו מהם בארץ:

In addition, there is a failure to comply with the commandment to fight a Milchemet Mitzva by those who are in a situation of being able to successfully fight such a war as opposed to a reckless attack that will not yield any good results (and you will have to ask someone else what is the dividing line between reckless vs. a sensible strategy).
According to Ohr Hachaim to Vayikra 25:25 it would seem it is also a punishment of our laziness regarding the Temple Mount which unfortunately is also backed (according to Ohr Hachaim) by the Gedolim.

Religious Anti-Zionists who don't like these types of answers, lists sins that are on their hit list, that makes them more or less into the good guys (except for the traitors who are giving in to the other side or who don't offer sufficient rebuke) while a lot of people in the other camp as the bad guys who are responsible.

I figured I would quote from a source that even they would accept as valid, to show that not all types of sins bring the sword. Some sins for example, bring about Natural Disasters. Others bring other types of punishment.
The following is a translated excerpt from Pirkei Avot (Ethics of the Fathers) Chapter 5 as translated by Chabad.
8 . Seven types of retribution come to the world, for seven types of sin. When some tithe and others don't, a hunger caused by turmoil ensues: some are hungry, others have their fill of food. When all are unanimous in their failure to tithe, a hunger by drought ensues. For not separating chalah, an annihilating hunger results.

Plagues come to the world for those capital crimes mentioned in the Torah that have not been given over to the court, and for desecrating the produce of the sabbatical year.

The sword comes to the world for the procrastination of justice, the corruption of justice, and because of those who misinterpret the Torah.
9. Carnage by wild beasts comes to the world for false oaths and the desecration of G-d's name.

Exile comes to the world for idol-worship, sexual promiscuity, murder and the failure to leave the land fallow on the sabbatical year.

There are four time-periods when plagues increase: on the fourth and seventh years [of the sabbatical cycle], on the year following the seventh, and following the festivals of each year. On the fourth year, because of [the neglect of] the tithe to the poor that must be given on the third year; on the seventh, because of the tithe to the poor that must be given on the sixth; on the year after the seventh, because of the produce of the sabbatical year; and following each festival, because of the robbing of the poor of the gifts due to them.
Because it is a key point, I will offer a different translation of the last point mentioned by Pirkei Avot that brings the sword. The majority of the Rishonim, at least those brought by The Bar Ilan program on this section, understand that the sword is brought for instructing others in Torah against the Halacha. To Permit the Forbidden and To Forbid the Permitted (which is something more than the Chabad translation, which simply states Misinterpreting the Torah).

Offline edu

  • Master JTFer
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Re: Sins That Bring The Sword
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2015, 12:46:47 PM »
posted after Shabbat Lech Lecha 5776
Leviticus/Vayikra 25:25
If your brother becomes destitute and sells some of his inherited property, his redeemer who is related to him shall come forth and redeem his brother's sale.
This is an excerpt of part of Ohr Hachaim's commentary on the verse

And the Redemption will be when the hearts of men are aroused  and it will be said to them, is it good for you to be dwelling outside exiled from the Table of our Father ? And what can be pleasant for your life in this world except the high companionship  that you were reliant upon /supported roundabout by the table of your Father, he is the L-rd of the Universe blessed be He, for eternity. And he shall disparage in his eyes the  desires that are imagined and he will arouse them with a longing  for the spiritual ...... until they improve their deeds and by this Hashem will redeem that which he has sold. And over this , in the future the masters of the Earth, the great men/the Gedolim of Israel will be brought to judgment and from them , Hashem will seek the disgrace of The disgraced House/Temple!

Earlier on in his commentary on the verse, he cites a verse from Kohelet 10:18 to explain the spiritual cause leading up to the sad state of the Temple
Through laziness the rafter sinks, and with idleness of the hands the house leaks.

All of this I am quoting now as background to what I posted earlier
According to Ohr Hachaim to Vayikra 25:25 it would seem it is also a punishment of our laziness regarding the Temple Mount which unfortunately is also backed (according to Ohr Hachaim) by the Gedolim.