General Category > Ask JTF
Ask JTF for 07/20/2015 through 07/26/2015
Shalom, what do you think of Obama's pilgrimage to Kenya and Israel's new defense pact with the Greeks?
Rational Jew:
Debunk Daniel c Peterson and Martin lings claim mohammed used Devarim 20:10-14 when he attacked Banu Qurayza. Why do jew haters blame Torah for what m
Dr. Dan:
Please discuss:1.Dov Hikind civil disobedience at schumer's office.2.faigy Mayer ex Hasid who killed does Israel observe tishibeav?
Hello Chaim - what can you tell us about Sydney Zion? Why was he opposed to smoke free restaurants? - Thoughts on the Holocaust Museum?
Is what going on with Iran enough to make a few % of JINOs see err of their ways, or at least admit it's very bad for Israel but they don't care?
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