Inspired by the recent ruckus caused by Cosmo's thread (which I will not directly revisit),
I wanted to ask a simple question: what is torture?
Thanks to four years of petromedia brainwashing, must dumbed-down, know-nothing-but-get-your-paycheck-and-head-to-the-bar-after-work Americans figure that "torture" is anything that hurts the feelings of a captured Muslim. Yes, yes. Pulling U.S. soldiers from their burning jeeps and dragging their (still living) burning bodies through the streets of Mogadishu is an "expression of resentment" at the "occupying forces" and beating Iraqi civilians to a pulp and drowning them in the Euphrates is "understandable outrage at collaborators", but making al-Qaeda members stand on boxes and taking pictures of them wanking is
torture, a crime worse than murder!

Do any of you have any idea of what happened to Argentine and South African citizens (when those once-white nations were still ruled by nationalist, anti-communist regimes) who collaborated with ANC and Peronist terrorists? I guarantee you even the most hardened of you wouldn't be able to sleep tonight if you knew, and btw, these were merely people who
helped terrorist killers, not actual bombers/shooters!
Anybody want to read up on Idi Amin? Pol Pot? Hitler, for crying out loud?
If you do not believe in torture in principle, nobody resents you making your case (albeit threatening to leave JTF will win you no respect whatsoever). But please do not harangue us with tired cliches about Abu Ghraib!