General Category > Ask JTF

Ask JTF for 10/12/2015 through 10/18/2015

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Your opinion on Israel's gun control laws.

Rational Jew:
1. 5 paki women buried alive for wanting to choose husbands. Baloch senator defended actions. 2. 13-year-old somali girl stoned after gang raped.

Dr. Dan:
1.what type of collective punishment for stabbings? 2.discuss democrap debate. 3.discuss generation preflood.was it like today?4.isis or Russia

Binyamin Yisrael:
Discuss: 1. Israel's One Eyed Bandit (Moshe Dayan) 2. Israel's Two Eyed Bandit (Yael Dayan) 3. Bill Maniac 4. Joshua Rosenberg 5. Steven Weigang 6. John Travolta 7. Olivia Newton John 8. Elton John

I would like to see muslim terrorists dropped from IDF helicopters into the Mediterranian Sea at the Leon Klinghofer Memorial Shark Reef


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