Author Topic: Racist Darth Vader kills 2 with Terrifying Sword  (Read 522 times)

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Offline Israel Chai

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Re: Racist Darth Vader kills 2 with Terrifying Sword
« Reply #1 on: October 26, 2015, 02:40:50 AM »
10/24/2015 1:01 AM EST
I thought knives and swords were outlawed in Sweden? Because they were outlawed, the students didn't know what knives and swords looked like when they first saw them. If only there had been posters up at the school identifying them the students could have protected themselves by running.
10/24/2015 1:20 AM EST
Poe's Law?
10/24/2015 9:38 AM EST
This is the stupidest thing I've ever read on these boards.
Jimmy Bloom
10/25/2015 2:30 PM EST
Yeah because Sweden won't get Internet or TV until 2025, and they eat with their hands, they have no idea about Knives or anything. 
IF ONLY THEY HAD SEEN A PICTURE OF A SWORD, THEY WOULD HAVE RUN. No worries they ALL thought it was a Halloween prank which entirely explains their rationality..

Funny how someone says Poe's law and then 2 guys act it out. I wonder why they're being slow with releasing the identity, they're usually quite fast in these cases, as in, a non-minority murderer.

It's been widely predicted these things would happen. We don't have an organized genocide task force like muslims, and when we are being threatened as a people, we can't just lay back and let the other Ahmeds take care of it with crime and lies. A society asking "what can we do" indicates that their leaders aren't helping them do anything, so unless Islam is removed from Europe by expulsion, attacks on both sides will increase, and ultimately millions of Europeans and Muslims will die, instead of those Muslims just killing each other with common, traditional muslim infighting. Israel needs to be a light unto the nations on how to deal with Islam; "punishment comes to the world because of the sins of the righteous" Talmud; all this is smoke and mirrors for a warning. If Israel removes Islam from Israel, the world will be saved endless tragedy. If Israel does not, the free world will keep getting cut down to a size that can fight back.
The fear of the L-rd is the beginning of knowledge