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Kosovo: Police arrest Albanian who stoned Serb bus
PEC – The Kosovo police arrested the 18-year-old ethnic Albanian suspected of stoning the bus transporting pilgrims from central Serbia on their visit to the local Church of Saint John on Sunday.
The release of the Kosovo police filed to Tanjug states that the suspect admitted to stoning the bus and that he did that because he was provoked by unsuitable gesticulation of one of the passengers on the bus.
The prosecutor sentenced the suspect to 48 hours of detention, the Kosovo police from Pec said in the release.
Nobody was injured in the incident which occurred on Sunday at 2.15 p.m. but considerable material damage was inflicted to the bus.
The incident occurred despite of the presence of Kosovo police patrols, the witnesses said.
Israel Chai:
jeˌstikyəˈlāSH(ə)n/ a gesture, especially a dramatic one, used instead of speaking or to emphasize one's words.
Non-mudrat gestures cause mudrat frustration, and are the cause of muslim violence. Among everything else one should do to avoid offending clitoris-choppers, one must not move while speaking, or use gestures to speak. Even if you believe you are in a private place, a mudrat may see you from the window, and as such it is advisable to hide in a hole, and do not speak or move in it, to avoid offending muslim sensibilities. They would prefer if that hole contained a coffin.
Kosovo can turn out to be semi useful. Build a very big wall around it, do not allow people to leave other than on a higway out of the country, and not connected to another road, and do not let any Serbians in. They will mostly kill themselves off that way.
I know people in Kosovo and for me the only solution is to reclaim Kosovo and drive out the Albanians. This is a holy part of Serbia. Still Serb family's live in the south of Kosovo surrounded by thousands of Albanians. Same as with north Macedonia, what is mostly Albanian.
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