Author Topic: Insanity International Against Jewish Response to Stabbings  (Read 461 times)

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Insanity International Against Jewish Response to Stabbings
« on: October 30, 2015, 12:38:46 AM »
Amnesty: Israelis Shooting Knife-Wielding Terrorists are Guilty Of Disproportionate Force
Should Israeli soldiers pull out knives in response to a knife attack?
October 29, 2015
Daniel Greenfield


Amnesty International, the greatest human rights organization co-founded by a mentally unstable compulsive liar to serve as an arm of British intelligence, has hit a pathetic new low.

    "[H]eavily armed soldiers and police wearing body armour facing a possible knife attack have a duty to use proportionate and graduated force and attempt to arrest suspects before resorting to the use of lethal force,” said Philip Luther.

Maybe Philip Luther can put on body armor and then show us how it's done by arresting a terrorist trying to sink a knife into his throat. Either that or he can wrestle a rabid weasel. Either way I'm sure it'll be lots of fun for the whole family. And condolences to the widow.

The whole "disproportionate response" meme has hit an absurd insane state in which shooting someone who is trying to stab you is disproportionate force.

Should Israeli soldiers pull out knives in response to a knife attack and then have a knife fight with the terrorist? Would stabbing a terrorist trying to stab you count as proportionate?

But Amnesty International, an organization founded based on a lie about Portuguese students being imprisoned for making the wrong toast (the drinking kind, not the bread kind), embraces Stabber Trutherism.

Amnesty has good company in that, like the cretinous Hamas pal British MK Gerald Kaufman who made similar claims and then ranted about Jewish money.

    “The majority of the “attempted stabbing” incidents are based on false claims. They are executing Palestinians on the streets and then they fabricate the stabbing story. Several videos came out after some of these incidents that clearly show those Palestinians killed posing no harm at all but they got shot anyway and some were executed after they were injured on the ground. It is enough for an Israeli to scream terrorist and if you look like an Arab you will be shot dead on the spot. I wanted to say they shoot and then ask questions, but the truth is they shoot and then they fabricate a stabbing story."

There are multiple videos showing the stabbings. But Truthers gotta Truther.

Everyone knows the moon landings were faked in Hollywood. 9/11 was just cardboard models. Every shooting ever just featured actors. What about all the dead people? They never existed. The wounded kids? Somebody must be paying them to lie in hospital beds.

This is the disgusting sewer that MK Gerald Kaufman and Amnesty International have climbed down. They've gone from justifying Muslim terrorism by attacking Israel to denying it even happened.

Who says the Munich Massacre wasn't just a bunch of dummies covered in ketchup? The Holocaust? Please, we all know that never happened either.

Anti-Semitism is a sewer and when you hate Israel enough, you end up wallowing in all the filth that the waterways of hate carry in your direction. Here's Gerald Kaufman on Jewish money.

    “Martin wonders why this governments policy has gone farther and farther and more and more pro-Israeli, but I’ll tell you because I can tell you in a way which perhaps nobody else in this room can tell you. It’s Jewish money."

It's not anti-Semitism. It's anti-Zionism. Really. Like identical twins, they just happen to be indistinguishable.

And so we've reached the final state of enlightenment on Muslim terror as the brightest minds of the left recognize that Muslim terrorism isn't merely justified, it doesn't exist. Israel made it all up.

Finally, the Western left has embraced the glorious doublethink that has become so emblematic of Islamists who praise 9/11 and then claim it was a CIA conspiracy.

But speaking of crazy conspiracies, Amnesty International's co-founder Peter Benenson alleged the group had been infiltrated by British intelligence and resigned from it. Of course in the Harry Letters Affair, it turned out that AI was getting money from "Harry", aka Prime Minister Harold Wilson, to fund its activities in Rhodesia.

Still the important thing is that Muslim terrorism is all imaginary, and even when it somehow isn't, should be met with proportionate violence, like knife fights, rather than shooting knifing terrorists.
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Offline Israel Chai

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Re: Insanity International Against Jewish Response to Stabbings
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2015, 12:43:58 AM »
Oops its worse

Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Outrageous: Amnesty accuses Israel of planting knives on Arabs after they are shot(update)
Amnesty International issued another one-sided report that claims that Israeli forces are shooting Arabs who pose no danger to them.

Every example they give is based on "eyewitness" testimony which even Amnesty has admitted is often based on lies.

Here is one example based purely on a supposed "eyewitness:"

    In an especially egregious case, Israeli forces shot dead 19-year-old Sa’ad Muhammad Youssef al-Atrash in the Old City of Hebron as he attempted to retrieve an ID card at an Israeli soldier’s request on 26 October. The Israeli police labelled the incident an “attempted stabbing” but an eyewitness watching the events unfold from her balcony said he had posed no threat when he was shot. One of the soldiers had asked him for ID, and as he reached into his pocket to grab his card another soldier standing behind him shot him on his right side, she told Amnesty International. The eyewitness said he was shot six or seven times and bled profusely as he lay on the ground for about 40 minutes afterwards, while soldiers failed to provide medical treatment. She also reported seeing soldiers bring a knife and place it in the dying man’s hand.

Amnesty believes that a woman on a balcony can hear the security forces asking al-Atrash for an ID,which is highly unlikely. Yet they accept this absurd "testimony" even when the woman claims that the soldiers planted the knife.

The claim of planting knives has been all over Palestinian Arab media, including cases where video has proven otherwise. But the meme is strong enough that "eyewitnesses" speaking to credulous NGOs know exactly what to say.

By the way, al-Atrash made it pretty clear on Facebook what his intentions were (h/t Bob Knot)

The scenario is repeated, this time with Amnesty asking the readers to connect the dots:

    On 25 October, a short distance from where al-Atrash was killed, Israeli border police shot dead Dania Jihad Hussein Ershied, 17. Shortly before she was killed, she had passed through a checkpoint equipped with a metal detector and two revolving gates, between which Israeli forces frequently lock people they deem suspicious. At a second checkpoint in front of Hebron’s Ibrahimi Mosque she was called for a second inspection by more than five border police officers, who began searching her bag and yelling at her to show her knife.

    Warning shots were fired at her feet, prompting her to step back and raise her hands in the air. She was shouting at the police that she did not have a knife and still had her arms raised when police again opened fire, shooting her six or seven times.

    A photo of Ershied’s body shows a knife lying near the body, and the Israeli police spokesperson has stated that she attempted to stab a border policeman. However, even if Dania Jihad Hussein Ershied had a knife in her possession, eyewitness accounts indicate she was not posing a threat to Israeli forces when she was shot, and her killing is therefore absolutely unjustified.

Amnesty clearly doesn't believe that Ersheid had a knife, because otherwise why would they mention that she went through a metal detector beforehand? But then they hedge their bets by saying that even if she had a knife, she had both hands in the air - according to the eyewitnesses. So either the eyewitnesses are lying, which even Amnesty admits they often do, or the IDF is lying and planting evidence.

It is clear which one Amnesty believes.

Even though there have been dozens of stabbing attacks causing injuries and deaths, and even though Palestinian media is glorifying the youths who are stabbing Jews, Amnesty is assuming that the people who cheer the attacks are honest and the ones who are the intended victims are liars. Amnesty believes the "eyewitnesses" who are under tremendous social pressure not to say anything that goes against their narrative.

The Amnesty employee most responsible for this  one-sided "research" is Jacob Burns, currently visiting the area just to write reports like this. Burns happens to be a "researcher" behind Amnesty's "Gaza Platform" which claims that hundreds of terrorists killed in Gaza were innocent civilians, and he has refused to answer anyone on Twitter who pointed out his provable lies in that farce. So we know that Amnesty's main researcher in the territories has no integrity whatsoever. (And he is the only Amnesty employee i've seen who occasionally tweets terror attacks against Israelis, too. So everyone else at Amnesty is even worse!)

And then there is this:

    [H]eavily armed soldiers and police wearing body armour facing a possible knife attack have a duty to use proportionate and graduated force and attempt to arrest suspects before resorting to the use of lethal force,” said Philip Luther

This mirrors what Amnesty said in its last biased report two whole weeks ago:

    While Palestinian demonstrators have thrown rocks and firebombs towards Israeli forces in many demonstrations, and there are reports that Palestinians have shot at Israeli forces in isolated cases, Israeli military and police forces are heavily protected and must ensure that all use of force is strictly necessary and proportionate, and that firearms must only be used to protect against the imminent threat of death or serious injury.

We've seen videos of attacks that happen suddenly, Necks and face aren't protected by body armor.

And why would Amnesty  mention that soldiers are "heavily armed" if they say that the soldiers and police cannot use those arms?

It is all to paint a picture of unwarranted Israeli aggression and innocent Palestinian victims. It is part of Amnesty's war against Israel in the name of "human rights." Because it sure isn't in the name of truth.
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