Author Topic: Dutch government too scared to stop muslim hatemongers  (Read 5152 times)

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Offline AdrianaStuijt

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Dutch government too scared to stop muslim hatemongers
« on: July 19, 2007, 10:43:11 AM »
'Dutch' mosque remains a base for terrorists in spite of Van Gogh murder:

Imam Sjeik Fawaz Jneid spreads hate-speech from the As-sunnah mosque:

July 19 2007 -- The Netherlands. In the Dutch capitol city of The Hague, at the As-sunnah mosque and just city blocks away from the Dutch royal palace and houses of parliament, the Syrian imam Sheik Fawaz Jneid regularly concludes his sermons with the following curse against the former Dutch parliamentarian Ayaan Hirshi Ali: "O God, blind the sight of Ayaan Hirsi Ali as you have blinded her heart... invade her brain and her tongue with cancer... "

Ms Hirsi Ali, a Somalian refugee who fled from the muslim terror campaign against women, now lives in the USA because of the constant death threats being issued against her life.

Meanwhile back in The Hague, the hate-filled imam who has already caused the murder of Dutch cineast Theo Van Gogh still regularly calls for the murder of others. The latest target of his hate-filled sermons is an Iranian-born Dutch-based dissident-muslim , the jurist Ashfin Ellian.

According to court testimony in the recently-concluded trial of the "Piranha-group" -- a group of convicted terrorists who were based in The Hague -- convicted muslima Soumaya S, (under Dutch law her surname is not allowed to be published); told the court that she had always attended the sermons by Sheik Fawaz Jneid at the as-sunnah mosque in The Hague, and that he had routinely called for the murders of the late Dutch cineast Theo van Gogh and  parliamentarian Ayaan Hirsi Ali . This convicted, clearly brainwashed muslima terrorist, shrouded in a black burqua, also testified that Van Gogh's murderer Mohammed Bouyeri had more than likely also been present during those hate-filled sermons as she had seen him there frequently. She also added as an afterthought, referring to Sheik Fawaz Jneid:  "my funny imam was like a father to me."

One of Jneid's prayers before Bouyeri slaughtered Van Gogh on an Amsterdam street in broad daylight was: "O God, give Van Gogh a disease which cannot be cured by anyone on earth; a disease through which he would long for death yet never be allowed to die."

link to the above story:

Website of the As-Soennah mosque, the Hague link:

link to Ayaan Hirshi Ali:

Piranha-trial links:

Ashfin Ellian links:

Retired medical journalist, Sunday Times of Johannesburg, South Africa. Archivist at logging atrocities against Christians and Jews under Marxist regime in South Africa

Offline Ehud

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Re: Dutch government too scared to stop muslim hatemongers
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2007, 01:00:07 PM »
It's funny, they put out these curses and then someone goes out and murders the cursed in broad daylight and then everyone looks at it and says "see look Allah cursed him for us, allah is great!."

Do you know Dutch?  I thought you were a Boer from South Africa.  Can Boers understand Dutch?
"The Jews will eventually have to face up to what you're dealing with here.  The arabs will never love you for what good you've brought them.  They don't know how to really love.  But hate!  Oh, G-d, can they hate!  And they have a deep, deep, deep resentment because you have jolted them from their delusions of grandeur and shown them for what they are-a decadent, savage people controlled by a religion that has stripped them of all human ambition . . . except for the few cruel enough and arrogant enough to command them as one commands a mob of sheep.  You are dealing with a mad society and you'd better learn how to control it."

-Excerpt from The Haj by Leon Uris

Offline AdrianaStuijt

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Re: Dutch government too scared to stop muslim hatemongers
« Reply #2 on: July 20, 2007, 03:41:28 AM »
Dutch and Afrikaans have very similar language, ethnic-, cultural- and religious roots. The Boers actually descend from indentured northern-European labourers who were taken on East India Company ships plying the spice trade to the Dutch East Indies (these young labourers were often taken by force). Many also were dropped off at the Cape of Good Hope to produce food supplies for the ships enroute to Indonesia. These Boers were an independent and very religious lot and also rapidly broke away from the VOC-company's strict hierarchial rules and became a very independent-minded people who trekked into the interior of southern Africa and founded two independent Boer Republics - the Transvaal and the Orange Free State. They named the entire Southern African landscape and most of its flora and fauna as they trekked, too.

The descendants of these Boers actually manage to integrate very well into modern Dutch society because of these language- and religious affinities and especially their children do well at Dutch schools and universities. More than 80,000 top-qualified Boers have indeed already migrated to The Netherlands since 1994. However their mutual histories are so different from one another that the first-generation of new immigrant Boers in The Netherlands do have some adjustment problems in spite of their language-affinity, mainly because the Dutch don't know the Boer history any longer.
Retired medical journalist, Sunday Times of Johannesburg, South Africa. Archivist at logging atrocities against Christians and Jews under Marxist regime in South Africa


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Re: Dutch government too scared to stop muslim hatemongers
« Reply #3 on: July 20, 2007, 01:34:11 PM »
It is time for the Netherlands to stop ignoring what has now become the obvious ethnic cleansing of the Afrikaans people and other white ethnic cultures in South Africa.

You can not sit on the fence any longer! This is not about history any more, it is about your future.

Russell Mallon
Founding Member
The White Coalition

Here's a plan:

Boers all get out of SA for the time being and go to Holland. Take political control and rid that place of it's muslim problem (as Boers are the only Dutch with any manhood these days).

Then use a new Nationalist Netherlands as a base to reclaim SA once AIDS has thinned out the kaffirs.

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Re: Dutch government too scared to stop muslim hatemongers
« Reply #4 on: July 20, 2007, 08:41:53 PM »
A little to late for that now!
I had a team mate from Morocco on my basketball team in college. He would visit Paris, at least 2-3 times a year, he loved it there and called it his second home. He showed me pictures and how well they had it in Paris, France. By my senior year he had fully converted to Islam and became a radical-grew a beard, had his wife covered up, never socialized with non-Muslims, hated everything about western culture, and YES he was thrilled about 9/11... I thought he was a friend, I was wrong- he was transformed in 1-2 years, I could not even approach him for anything.
Islam changes people to become the WORST human beings possible... My Story!

Offline crazyhorse

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Re: Dutch government too scared to stop muslim hatemongers
« Reply #5 on: July 22, 2007, 01:52:32 PM »
Here's a plan: Boers all get out of SA for the time being and go to Holland. Take political control and rid that place of it's muslim problem (as Boers are the only Dutch with any manhood these days).

Then use a new Nationalist Netherlands as a base to reclaim SA once AIDS has thinned out the kaffirs.

The Netherlands were always opposed to apartheid during South Africa's time as a first world country, they were always crying on behalf of the kaffirs, siding with the lefties, liberals, and the rest of the U.N gang of murdering globalists. To hell with the dutch, let the rag heads give them what they wanted.....multiculturalism, disaster and the take over of their country by the same [censored] they helped South Africa into. The globalists with the help of the United Nations and their implementation of the new world order are quickly screwing the entire planet into a fascist run slave planet. These are the people behind every country that has been destroyed.... these evil bastards are in fact destroying America from within, they have turned Britain into a society of dumbed down "yes sir, no sir three bags full sir" sheeple. Unfortunately, South Africa, just like Rhodesia and other parts of Africa and the third world, been rid of white rule and sanity to make way for chaos so these "globalist elite " bunch of new world order scum can take a hold of the real wealth.....the land! They are not about to let anyone take back or do anything they don't want them to do. White run South Africa is done for good under our laws and way of life. The kaffirs days are numbered, they have fulfilled their usefulness to the order, they have done the dirty work, now they will be exterminated by the very people who spread the lies about freeing them. Black Africa will never be allowed to develope, they will never be educated, the U.N. will see to that! No one will be free in the new order, we will all be slaves if they are allowed to do as they are doing.

Offline Wayne Jude

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Re: Dutch government too scared to stop muslim hatemongers
« Reply #6 on: July 30, 2007, 03:45:00 PM »
Adriana,Your comments must scare many people !!!!Keep it up!!!!!!!!! ;)

Offline AdrianaStuijt

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Re: Dutch government too scared to stop muslim hatemongers
« Reply #7 on: August 26, 2007, 05:28:43 AM »
There's at least politician in Dutch politics, Geert Wilders, whose Freedom Party now has nine members in parliament, and has called for the banning of the Qúran because it spreads hate-speech. He was featured this week on CNN's programme by Christiane Amanpour.

His statements can be read in English from his website:

Geert Wilders Freedom Party -- website - in English:

Retired medical journalist, Sunday Times of Johannesburg, South Africa. Archivist at logging atrocities against Christians and Jews under Marxist regime in South Africa

Offline AdrianaStuijt

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Re: Dutch government too scared to stop muslim hatemongers
« Reply #8 on: August 29, 2007, 03:18:29 PM »
Dutch MP Geert Wilders lodges formal charges against muslim-hate-speech rappers

The Hague, The Netherlands. Dutch parliamentarian and leader of the 9-member Freedom Party today lodged formal charges against several local muslim-rappers who lodge death threats against him in their songs, which are widely circulated via YouTube on the internet. Wilders - who has been under police security ever since the death of Dutch filmmaker Theo van Gogh by muslim radical Mohammed Bouyeri -- said the texts in the threat-songs are 'too loathsome for words and finds the songs terrifying.' Wilders on Wednesday lodged formal charges at the police station in  The Hague.
Some songs have names like "Geert Wilders Begrafenis (Funeral), and "Who is next", featuring the murdered Dutch politician Pim Fortuyn and Theo van Gogh.

"Anybody who even talks about muslims is gunned down, and if you go on like this, you will be next,' some of the words threaten him.

One rapper ends his song with a pistol shot followed by Wilder's name, and also shows imagies with the text RIP Wilders and a picture of the murdered Van Gogh.

He finds these latest threats against him 'really rather sad. If they don't agree with my viewpoints, they should come forward with arguments instead of threats. This is just loathsome."

Retired medical journalist, Sunday Times of Johannesburg, South Africa. Archivist at logging atrocities against Christians and Jews under Marxist regime in South Africa