Author Topic: Jewish lawyer of the terrorists: I don't feel like a traitor  (Read 511 times)

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Jewish lawyer of the terrorists: I don't feel like a traitor
« on: November 06, 2015, 02:49:54 AM »
Lawyer 'understands' murderous terrorists she has defended for last 40 years, including 13-year-old who stabbed Jewish boy his same age.

A Jewish Israeli lawyer who has been representing murderous Arab terrorists for the past 40 years opened up in an interview published Thursday, in which she said she "doesn't feel like a traitor."

The 70-year-old attorney Leah Tzemel sat down with Walla! News to recall her cases defending terrorists, such as those who committed the horrific 2000 lynch in Ramallah - including the murderer famously photographed gleefully holding his hands stained red with blood from the window of the police station where two IDF reserve duty soldiers were murdered. She also defended the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) leader behind the assassination of Minister Rehavam "Gandhi" Ze'evi.

Due to the recent wave of terrorism that began last month, she has been working overtime, and one of her most high-profile clients is the 13-year-old Arab terrorist who, along with his 15-year-old cousin, went on stabbing spree in Jerusalem's Pisgat Ze'ev, seriously wounding a 20-year-old and a 13-year-old boy who had just left a supermarket where he bought candy.

Defending her murderous terror teen client and his cousin who was killed attacking police, she said, "these are people who with their meager power are opposing the occupation, and I, as an Israeli occupier, am the last one to tell them how to do that and what to do. I support their right to oppose the occupation."

"I don't view them as terrorists but rather as unfortunate people trying - through completely primitive means, due to a lack of power, lacking an army and lacking a real organization - to express their opposition to the occupation. That's the most natural thing there is."

Tzemel, a founder of the radical socialist and anti-Zionist group Matzpen back in 1962, is a member of the radical Arab socialist Balad party, and in fact was featured on the 20th spot of the Arab Joint List in the last elections.

"I don't feel like a traitor but rather feel that the future, yours as well, is in my possession. I don't want to live by the sword my whole life," she said.

When asked if she can understand the terrorists and those sending suicide bombers to detonate, she said, "I don't think they 'send them to detonate.' People go to blow themselves up from their own will. No one forces anyone."

"Of course I can understand them...can you understand (King) David, how he dared to throw a rock with a simple slingshot at the forehead of Goliath?," she stated, in a shocking comparison between the Biblical monarch and Arab terrorists.

If she were in the place of the Palestinian Arabs, the radical lawyer said "I imagine that I would do a lot more" than the terrorists are even currently doing.
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Re: Jewish lawyer of the terrorists: I don't feel like a traitor
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2015, 07:17:31 AM »
Sin one time, you feel bad, two times, you blame it on someone else, three times, you call it a mitzvah. For forty years, she's twisted into this monstrous creature she is now, and doesn't feel bad about calling for more Jewish blood, and more clients.
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