Author Topic: Power struggle in Berlin  (Read 5051 times)

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Power struggle in Berlin
« on: November 12, 2015, 08:34:17 AM »
The rift within the German government over the “refugee” crisis has created a lot of headlines in Germany. The issue of family reunification for recently arrived “Syrians” — which, practically speaking, means anyone in the Third World who can raise the price of a forged Syrian passport — is what brought matters to a head.

The mainstream media picture magazine BILD takes a look at the political upset within Merkel’s party ranks and their partner the SPD (Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands, Social Democrats). One of the most intriguing remarks attached to the coverage — an insight to Merkel’s style of rule — was: Six months ago he (Thomas de Maizière) was a man with a future, Now he is a man of the past…

After Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and the head of the chancellery office Peter Altmaier (CDU) had received the interior minister’s suggestion and actually slapped de Maizière down, party allies are covering his back.

At its meeting on Monday — according to information obtained by BILD — the CDU’s executive committee stood behind Interior Minister Thomas de Maizière and came to an understanding that there should be immediate discussion of a limitation of family reunification for refugees!

Executive committee member and Commercial Secretary to the Treasury Jens Spahn told BILD: “Everyone in the CDU is in agreement with the Interior Minister that family reunification for refugees must be limited. In view of the sheer numbers of refugees, this is a hard but honest call. And we have to talk with the SPD about that.”

With the CDU executive committee, the interior minister now has important allies!

This cannot make the chancellor happy. Officially she let it be known through the government spokesman Steffen Selbert that Interior Minister Thomas de Maizière continues to have the chancellor’s unlimited trust.

That did not prevent other ministers in the past from losing their posts…

De Maizière will seek the counsel of his colleagues in the various federal states in the argument that has flared up over the status of Syrian refugees in Germany.

The subject is to be discussed at the next conference of interior ministers, announced the spokesman for the federal interior ministry on Monday. The goal is to get a broad-as-possible representation of opinion. The interior ministers’ conference is the appropriate platform to develop the content for a decision.
A time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace. - Ecclesiastes 3:8