Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia

Are there any Serbs on this forum left?

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I always knewed that the JTF had some Serbs posting and contributing on this forum but i haven't seen any of them lately. I always have been a big friend of the Serbs and i always like to visit Serbia.

There are. Lurking in the shadows. Waiting to strike the snake in the head.

Tony Rubolotta:
I am not a Serb but I have my eyes open and learned long ago that media prejudice bars any acceptance of any media report without verification.  My acquaintance with the situation in Kosovo is not new and I did write this some time back:[email protected]/msg17445.html

It originally appeared on a web publication The Rant which is now called the New Media Journal.  It was picked up by several other web sites for posting.

I am part Sorb myself, and Orthodox Christian, and my heart has always gone out to my Serbian brethren. We Slavs, and the Jews, have always been hated by the Gentile powers of the world (and I have personal theories about that), and I wish that this forum were more active with Serbian patriots. Especially now, that there is still this insane quest by Serbian elites to join the EU and NATO... Kossovo is Serbia, and Serbia is Kossovo!

One Serb here. ;D


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