Author Topic: PA music video: Nothing beats 'martyrdom' shooting attacks  (Read 821 times)

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PA music video: Nothing beats 'martyrdom' shooting attacks
« on: November 17, 2015, 10:00:39 AM »
Watch: Official PA TV runs new song urging Arabs to shoot Jews because 'there is nothing more beautiful than martyrdom.'

The Palestinian Authority (PA), frequently held up as a "peace partner" for Israel, just this Monday broadcast a new song on its official TV encouraging terrorist shooting attacks against Israelis to achieve Islamic martyrdom, in the latest of the PA's soundtrack of the intifada.

The lyrics of the song, translated and revealed by Palestinian Media Watch (PMW) on Tuesday, present an ideal of murdering and dying for "Palestine," with the lines: "my blood belongs to my land" and "there is nothing more beautiful than martyrdom." Martyr is a term used to glorify terrorists who die conducting their nefarious attacks.

Palestinian Arabs have internalized this culture of terrorism and death, asserts the song, willingly choosing to be "righteous martyrs" to quench the "thirst of the land" with their blood. The lines echo PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas's statements from September when he blessed "every drop of blood spilled...for Allah," and called to use violence to block "filthy" Jews from the Temple Mount.

The lyrics of the slickly produced video are as follows: "Mahmoud woke up and left quickly. He wanted to return quickly/ 'Give me the rifle.' She said: 'Be careful.'/He told her: 'My land calls me. I'm going and my blood belongs to my land./And if I do not return, tell Ahmad (i.e., their unborn son) 'there is nothing sweeter than Martyrdom.'"

"My land will remain free, despite the occupation/When Palestine calls us, it will find us [ready] on the top of the hill./This land raised free men, glory and suffering have been sown in it/Whenever it is thirsty, the blood of righteous Martyrs will water it.'"

"Mahmoud resisted and did not give in/This is what he was taught and what he learned/In his last breath he said 'There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is his Prophet'/And closed his eyes and smiled./Martyrs do not die/We are a people that do not know fear/We love Martyrdom/Here in Palestine, here we remain."

PMW noted that other songs getting heavy rotation urge Palestinian Arabs to use "cleavers and knives" against Israels, and likewise to riot and throw rocks.

It pointed out how the new music video hearkens back to official PA TV broadcasts during the so-called Second Intifada terror war from 2000 to 2005, when music videos lauded "martyrs," and children were shown seeking to die as martyrs and leaving farewell letters to their parents. Yet other videos showed children calling on other kids to join them in paradise.
A time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace. - Ecclesiastes 3:8