Author Topic: Apparently the Rebbe Schneerson O'H did not die childess but had a son. Emes?  (Read 1940 times)

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Offline Sof Sof

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How many of us followed the traditional story that the last Lubavitch Rebbe was childless? Today in Amazon while searching for any new release of Torah commentaries, I came across an author who made the claim of being literally the 8th Lubavitcher Rebbe, without portfolio  the paste below from his facebook page is the short version  of his story.

Could this possibly be true?  Am I the last to hear of this?  Is this a hoax? Can someone please comment. How could such a person exist without being mentioned some place in all the Chabad chatter good or bad  on the net all these years.  :o

This is the official page of rabbi/writer I.L.Schneerson (pseudonym of Issachar L. Tal van Kekem), a scion of the hassidic dynasty of Chabad-Lubavitch.
Born in Rotterdam, The Netherlands, in 1954 Issachar Levi was the son of a 17-year young gentile girl and the 52-year old Mendel Schneerson (the 7th Rebbe of Chabad-Lubavitch).
I.L. was raised by gentile fosterparents.
I.L. served in the Dutch army and afterwards worked as a police officer, until he emigrated to Israel in 1983. In Israel he worked as a labourer in a plastic factory, assistent in a kindergarten, gardener, orderpicker in an electronics warehouse, research assistent at Ben Gurion University Sdeh Boker, software tester at Orange. He also served in the reserve-forces of the Israeli army.

In 2003 I.L. returned to Holland. In 2008 he was ordained as a rabbi.

Since 2005 he has published two books on Judaism, a socially critical novel, a kabbalistic trilogy (all in Dutch), and a autobiography called 'Rabbi Kameleon' (in English). Visit for more info.

I.L. is married since 1987 and has two adult children.

Offline Binyamin Yisrael

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The Rebbe would not have relations with a shicksa. He was also in Brooklyn already by the time this is alleged to have occurred. Also, someone with a shicksa mother is not Jewish. How could such a person be a rabbi? It didn't say he converted.

Offline Sof Sof

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Well, according to this bio on Amazon I found on the authors page, he did convert via Orthodox Judaism

Rabbi Issachar Levi Schneerson speaks out about the extremely distant relationship he had with his father Chassidic grand rabbi ‘The Rebbe’ Menachem Mendel Schneerson. They were 5,862 kilometers apart, had a single phone call once every three months, and only two meetings in forty years. His father passed away in 1994 but today Issachar still does not know why his father kept him at bay. He was the grand rabbi’s only son and it would have been in line with Chassidic tradition if he had succeeded his father, but his father did not even allow him inside his movement. His father even kept his existence a secret from most of his followers! Was his son’s extramarital birth an embarrassment after all? Or did he want to protect his son from the religious fundamentalism and messianic frenzy that came to hold his movement in an ever tightening grip? As an adolescent Issachar felt rejected by his father and as an adult he was hurt time after time by his father’s aloofness. Had he not done everything he could to adjust? He had converted to Judaism the Orthodox way, he observed the Jewish rites and rituals, he married a Jewish woman, he studied Judaism, and he even moved to Israel so his children would grow up in an entirely Jewish environment! He had done nothing wrong, so why would his father not have him? Until his father passed away on June 12, 1994, he continued to hope that one day he would call him, make his existence public, acknowledge him, but then his last hope was dashed and he became desperate. He broke down and underwent psychological treatment. He recovered somewhat, but gradually traumas from his work in the Dutch security forces took over his life and in 2007 he had to stop working. In the summer of 2014 he published his story, thisbook.