Author Topic: Netanyahu Shakes Hands With Terrorist Abbas At “Climate Change” Conference  (Read 1280 times)

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Offline Shlomo

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Israel needs a real leader that will stop innocent Jews from being mass murdered – not a phony that shakes bloody hands with a terrorist at a global warming conference in Paris while innocent Jews are being butchered.
"In the final analysis, for the believer there are no questions, and for the non-believer there are no answers." -Chofetz Chaim

Offline Dan193

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Abbas should be arrested tried for murder incitement and jail for life. Let him dream about what could have been in solitary confinement 6 months for each Israeli victim

Offline Dan193

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Netanyahu is insane to meet with this terrorist Abbas.
The solution is to prevent Arabs from ever coming in contact with Jews by hermetically sealing them in their villages and neighborhoods. When these Arabs realize that this is a miserable existence perhaps they will stop sending their teenagers on suicidal missions to kill

Offline Dan193

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Abbas = Arafat. A terrorist Thug.
Abbas demands 'incentives' to stem Arab terror wave

Offline Dan193

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Memo to John Kerry:

Only one side is causing terror. Palestinian terrorists Stabbing 13 year old girls and 80 year old ladies. Shameful, just like ISIS, targeting innocent civilians.

For once, call it as it is and warn the 'Palestinians' that if they don't condemn the terror (Abbas has not) that all aid will be cut off for them.

Do not try your moral equivalency pitch, it is foolish. One side (Israel) only defends itself from terror and they should shoot to kill anyone that attacks them, just as the U.S would.

Offline Dan193

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Israel needs a death penalty for these Arab terrorists who murder Israelis.
Putting them in jails which is a hotel resort for these Palesitnians. AND THEN WHAT???? Feed these Arabs steaks and Lobster and then exchange him for a dead body? so he can kill again? Israel is doomed by the political correctness and a "leadership" as useless as wet toilet paper.