Author Topic: Ben-Givir: The ISA is Trying to Justify Torturing Detained Teens  (Read 861 times)

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Honenu attorney Itamar Ben-Givir responded to media leaks by security forces on Sunday morning 8 Teves. It was reported that progress has been made in the Duma arson case following the arrests of a number of Jewish suspects.

The ISA (Israel Security Agency – Shin Bet) appears to have leaked information that they are making progress in the investigation, which involved the continued interrogation of the Jewish detainees, who according to Honenu attorneys are being tortured and abused.

One attorney, Itamar Ben-Givir, told the press on Sunday morning that the leaks to the media of “progress in the investigation” are another smoke screen by the ISA to justify the continued torture and deprivation of rights of the detainees in the case. He adds that if there is truly progress in the case as is being indicated, he and his colleagues would be permitted to meet with their clients, but they are still prohibited from doing so.
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Re: Ben-Givir: The ISA is Trying to Justify Torturing Detained Teens
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2015, 04:48:47 PM »

Police pepper spray a protester against Shabak torture in Jerusalem on Dec. 20, 2015.
Photo Credit: Hillel Meir / TPS
Thousands are demonstrating near the Chords Bridge at the entrance to Jerusalem, in protest of the unwarranted incognito incarceration and torture of Jewish youths and minors by the Shabak. The protesters are blocking the entrance to the city.

Police arrested six demonstrators and a policeman attacked Makor Rishon news photographer Miri Tzahi, pushing her camera into her face. She was taken to Terem medical center. Her face was covered in blood, according to a TPS report.

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Re: Ben-Givir: The ISA is Trying to Justify Torturing Detained Teens
« Reply #2 on: December 20, 2015, 04:55:18 PM »
The part of the commentary by Feiglin that I agree with I will quote

Even if they will be convicted and all the rabbis will condemn them roundly, as is standard procedure – I will not believe they are guilty.

Because when teens are held for many long months in the Shabak cellars, when their right to meet with a lawyer is taken from them – they are liable to say anything. The pressure that the security apparatus felt from the Left’s “Why haven’t you arrested anyone yet?” sobbing festival has driven them to perpetrate a long string of indecent acts, under the auspices of (Arab) Supreme Court Justice Salim Jubran. Yesterday he authorized the continued negation of the rights of the detainees.

I once heard an evaluation from the President of the Attorney’s Association, who said that approximately 15% of those convicted of murder in Israel are not actually guilty of the crime. So how can we relate seriously to this ridiculous ‘investigation’ – in which all the human rights of the detainees – all of them juveniles – are seriously abused ? Soon their half year of administrative detention will be up, and then, of course, an extension will be requested. After all, Defense Minister Ya’alon will not want to lose face and admit that there is no evidence against these boys.

Our enemies already know that all they have to do is to vandalize their own property and write ‘Price Tag’ in order to implicate Jews in the crime. They cut down their own trees and write ‘Price Tag’. They set fire to carpets in their mosques and write ‘Price Tag’ on the walls. That is what they did in Tuba Zangaria. Even in Tel Aviv, a terror cell planning precisely the same act in the Hassan Bek Mosque was caught before they could put their plans into action.

So why shouldn’t they do the same thing in Duma? The police and Shabak know that better than I do. But they work for the media and the ‘Peace Industry’ nobility. They do not work for the State of Israel. And they certainly do not work for the truth.

It’s already been two months that not a day goes by without stabbings, car rammings or shootings. For some reason, we do not see a hint of the same holy ardor to find solutions at any price – even at the price of all the rules of liberty and democracy. Not a hint of that from the peace nobility. For some reason, you do not hear anything in the media about expelling the families of the Arabs terrorists who stab Jews – even when time and again it turns out that today’s terrorist is the brother of yesterday’s terrorist. After all, it’s not democratic, it is not in keeping with human rights, it will upset the delicate balance of relations between Jews and Arabs, it is absolutely unthinkable…

So on Monday, a one year old baby was run over by a terrorist and lost his leg. He will not be crawling or playing soccer. But never fear: Netanyahu ordered the Jerusalem municipality to erect more cement blocks by bus stops to prevent Arabs from ramming their cars into unsuspecting people. And the Defense Minister is busy chasing after the wind on the hilltops of Judea and Samaria.

In the past, there were a number of cases of arson in Duma – internal strife. Even a novice graphologist would testify to the fact that the graffiti left on the walls there was a drawing, not actual writing. And furthermore, do you think that a Jewish boy who would decide to throw a firebomb into an Arab home would choose a home in the center of the Arab village and not on its outskirts?

Sorry, friends. With this hallucinatory investigation and trampling of every possible human right, you have completely lost me. At this point, all the detainees should be released, the investigative team should be replaced and the Shabak and police should stop drawing the target around the arrows outlined by the media.

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Re: Ben-Givir: The ISA is Trying to Justify Torturing Detained Teens
« Reply #3 on: December 20, 2015, 05:14:53 PM »
Their identities are currently under gag order, but I can say that I have met all of the Duma suspects currently incarcerated and I know them personally. I recall dancing at the wedding of one of the suspects. He too was dancing and full of smiles. I remember visiting another one of the suspects in his home where he brought out tea and cookies for myself and other guests.

I listened to the press conference held by their lawyers and I heard Adi Keidar say, “I can say that the youth who I met was not the same person who I knew before this interrogation.”

I am worried based on Keidar’s words. What has been done to my friend who I once knew? Will I ever see him smile again? Will I ever hear him speak again? What sort of permanent damage has been done to him by these violent interrogations?

I remember another friend of mine. He is a small teenager no more than 16 years old. He’s barely 5 feet tall and hardly more than 100 pounds. According to the lawyers at the press conference his head was snapped back until he threw up. When he was taken to a doctor, the doctor said he needed to rest, especially given that he had been prevented from sleeping for three days. Yet the Shabak interrogators immediately took him back to the interrogation room and continued with their torture.

It was noted at the press conference that none of the suspects have confessed to the attack in Duma and it seems that none of them have been connected to the incident so far.

It’s important to keep in mind that the stories mentioned here, come from the few suspects who have been able to meet with lawyers. There are still others who have not yet been granted that basic right. Who knows what was done to them?

More scary perhaps it what will be done to them now that the Shabak interrogators are even more frustrated given that it was reported in the press conference that the Duma incident has still not been solved.

I think about my friend the newlywed. The one who’s wedding I danced at just over a year ago. He is among those who have not yet met with a lawyer and he is also not a minor. If the stories above are what was done to minors, I dare not dream what was done to him…

I think of the others who are also undergoing these interrogations and it is easy to see where this is going. If suspects are violently abused and interrogations are continued despite doctors’ advice, there will be permanent physical and emotional damage.

It seems that the Shabak would be quite pleased with themselves if the last dying breath of one of the suspects was a confession. At the current rate it seems we are not so far from that point, G-d forbid…

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Re: Ben-Givir: The ISA is Trying to Justify Torturing Detained Teens
« Reply #4 on: December 21, 2015, 01:52:16 AM »
Torture in Israel who would ever think it could possibly emerge widely use  after what the nazi did.