I figured with all the controversy around the forums lately, I'd try to change the pace with a more lighthearted thread. Let's list the silliest/most embarrassing decisions of our lives (that is, that are fit to say in public).
I'll list five:
5: Developing a desperate crush on a girl in high school who, according to her Myspace, lists Martin Luther as one of her heroes
4: Going to a high school awards ceremony in tiny old shorts and a faded Goofy shirt
3: Getting suspended from work by taking five donuts from the company donut box (this was years ago--you couldn't pay me to eat one of those axle-grease rings now!)
2: Having a desperate crush on a ditzy cheerleader who didn't care if I lived or died
1: Creating a roach infestation in our house by bringing dozens in from outside when I was a kid

Anyone brave enough to list any of their own?