Author Topic: Can't we dismiss some trolls and useless and annoying?  (Read 15833 times)

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Re: Can't we dismiss some trolls and useless and annoying?
« Reply #25 on: April 15, 2016, 01:40:35 PM »
Long as i follow this forum, there should be one person banned and that is Israel Chai.

What did Israel Chai ever do to you?
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Re: Can't we dismiss some trolls and useless and annoying?
« Reply #26 on: April 15, 2016, 02:33:54 PM »
What did Israel Chai ever do to you?

It's not about me. It is his dumb close minded attitude towards anybody that doesn't agree with him.
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Re: Can't we dismiss some trolls and useless and annoying?
« Reply #27 on: April 15, 2016, 05:36:42 PM »
To the Troll.
1 You lie again. You did post previously against the mitzva of Yibum, which is in the Torah
Torah also says to do Chalitza. It was the content I criticized that widow should be forced into this.

or when the Torah talks about the possibility of a man having 2 wives in the book of Deuteronomy you also criticized the Torah.
I want to use this to justify polygamy? That passage you refer to talks about inheritance and what to do if man has sons from two wives (doesn't specify if he's married at the same time or not). I'm not even against marrying additional wife if it's for the strong reason like infertility or even yibbum, but people like you believe polygamy should be acceptable in all cases based on a passage that describes different law. That's what I criticized. The difference is that you view polygamy as a mitzva that is ordained by God and should not be criticized whereas I view it as an exceptional but hated necessity. You're free to interpret however you want. I stand by my words.

I don't want to talk about polygamy. Why do you bring it up again?

2 I did bring a source that Buddhism which you promoted doesn't believe a woman can obtain spiritual enlightenment. A fact that did not seem to bother you.
And why should I even care what Buddhism believes or does not believe? I'm not a Buddhist so it doesn't bother me. What bothers me are the teachings of the religion I happened into, which is Judaism. But since you once again brought Buddhism into discussion, tell me does Buddhism teaches mothers are inferior or that wife has no control of her property?
3 I dare you to ask 3 modern day Orthodox rabbis, the following halachic question.
The question: Rabbi I am a person who is in a situation where I am absolutely obligated by Halacha to say Kaddish for my Mother. My father does not want me to say the prayer for her soul. Is it permitted for me to say the Kaddish prayer despite the objection of my father?
"Another example of a question brought before the rabbi - who is considered an authority on Jewish law - was brought forth by a man, who wanted to know what to do after one of his parents requested in a will that he not say kaddish (the prayer for the dead) over the second parent.

“If the mother dies and she states in her will that the son should not say kaddish over the father, then the son should not obey the will. However, if the father writes in his will that he wants the son to refraim from saying the prayer over the mother, then the son should adhere to his wish,” wrote Yosef."

Lol this guy is defending Islam now.  He just said islam is not misogynist, and when edu pointed out Buddhism discriminates women, he said what's your point.
Well, why don't you make a research on what Islam teaches on motherhood. A complete opposite of what Judaism teaches.

I'm not defending Islam and it also treats women like dirt, but it doesn't mean I'm going to ignore and not call out some of the evil teachings of my religion. 

This is clearly someone with an axe to grind who will use anything to misrepresent Judaism and paint it in a bad light because that is his ultimate goal.
Dude, you're acting childish now. Me quoting rabbinical Jewish teachings and providing sources for it is "misrepresenting Judaism and painting it in a bad light"? No one ever could refute them. 

Hey troll, why do you keep repeatedly posting the same things over and over again that we all already saw you post in multiple threads under multiple usernames and that people already took he time to address but whom you ignored?
Do you answer questions?
The only person here who doesn't answer questions is YOU. How many times have you already ignored the specific question I asked you?  Why is mother inferior to father? This is a specific topic I'm discussing now, and no one responded to it yet. If I'm wrong then refute me. Stop with this childish whinings like "false", "feminism", "you're a nazi troll", etc.
« Last Edit: April 15, 2016, 05:49:38 PM by Islam sucks! »
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Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: Can't we dismiss some trolls and useless and annoying?
« Reply #28 on: April 15, 2016, 07:01:12 PM »

I'm not defending Islam

Yes you did.

and it also treats women like dirt, but it doesn't mean I'm going to ignore and not call out some of the evil teachings of my religion. 
Lol you keep calling it your religion like you are some authority  but you don't practice it and know next to nothing about it.  The extent of your "knowledge" comes from reading a few screeds and articles.  It is embarrassing yourself every time you post.
Dude, you're acting childish now. Me quoting rabbinical Jewish teachings and providing sources for it is "misrepresenting Judaism and painting it in a bad light"? No one ever could refute them.   
Lying for your cause again.

The only person here who doesn't answer questions is YOU. How many times have you already ignored the specific question I asked you?  Why is mother inferior to father?
You are a liar.  The claim of yours isnt true and been refuted a hundred times already.

So I take that as a no you are not going to answer my question?   Missionaries never do.


his is a specific topic I'm discussing now, and no one responded to it yet. If I'm wrong then refute me. Stop with this childish whinings like "false", "feminism", "you're a nazi troll", etc.

Stop lying and stop crying champ.

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Re: Can't we dismiss some trolls and useless and annoying?
« Reply #29 on: April 15, 2016, 07:08:28 PM »
It's not about me. It is his dumb close minded attitude towards anybody that doesn't agree with him.

Why do you want him banned?
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Offline Rational Jew

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Re: Can't we dismiss some trolls and useless and annoying?
« Reply #30 on: April 15, 2016, 07:10:46 PM »
Yes you did.
 Lol you keep calling it your religion like you are some authority  but you don't practice it and know next to nothing about it.  The extent of your "knowledge" comes from reading a few screeds and articles.  It is embarrassing yourself every time you post. Lying for your cause again.
You are a liar.  The claim of yours isnt true and been refuted a hundred times already.

So I take that as a no you are not going to answer my question?   Missionaries never do.

Stop lying and stop crying champ.
Are you going to continue to ignore the sources? Please tell me why is father superior to mother? I'm begging you.

I swear I'm not a missionary. And I'm not trolling here.Please, don't ignore my questions. I'm willing to listen to any response, but please answer.
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Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: Can't we dismiss some trolls and useless and annoying?
« Reply #31 on: April 15, 2016, 07:10:57 PM »

Well, why don't you make a research on what Islam teaches on motherhood. A complete opposite of what Judaism

You just praised Islam again.
But you know absolute zero of what Judaism teaches regarding motherhood.  Stop wasting my time.

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Re: Can't we dismiss some trolls and useless and annoying?
« Reply #32 on: April 15, 2016, 07:13:25 PM »
You just praised Islam again.
But you know absolute zero of what Judaism teaches regarding motherhood.  Stop wasting my time.
I'm not wasting your time. Please tell me. And how did I praise Islam? I just said Islam honors motherhood more. If I'm wrong then tell me how I'm wrong.

Are you denying that father is superior to mother under Jewish law?
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Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: Can't we dismiss some trolls and useless and annoying?
« Reply #33 on: April 15, 2016, 07:15:49 PM »
I'm not wasting your time. Please tell me. And how did I praise Islam? I just said Islam honors motherhood more. If I'm wrong then tell me how I'm wrong.

"Honors motherhood"  ?   ?

More vague and silly assertions about Judaism which you make without support behind them, to trash the religion.   I have to go observe the Shabbat, I can't post with you all day.

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Re: Can't we dismiss some trolls and useless and annoying?
« Reply #34 on: April 16, 2016, 11:13:17 PM »
"Honors motherhood"  ?   ? 

Yes, it does:
"Do good to and serve your mother, then your mother, then your mother, then your father, then the near relatives and then those who come after them. (Sahîh Bukhârî 5971 and Sahîh Muslim 7/2)".

More vague and silly assertions about Judaism which you make without support behind them, to trash the religion.
Even after I quoted exact passages from religious Jewish literature you continue to accuse me of making "vague and silly assertions about Judaism without support behind them"?
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Offline edu

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Re: Can't we dismiss some trolls and useless and annoying?
« Reply #35 on: April 17, 2016, 01:41:38 AM »
1) If one’s parent tells them not to talk to someone and/or not to forgive someone for something that that person did, and the child wants to forgive them and/or talk to them, there is no obligation to listen to the parent.
The above is true even if the parent gives a time limit (e.g. don’t forgive that person or talk to them until next week) and surely if the parent says so indefinitely. (Shulchan Aruch Yoreh Deah Siman 240:16)
2) The reason for this is that it is forbidden to hate or bear a grudge against another Jew [unless he is purposely and blatantly transgressing the Torah, see Talmud Pesachim 113b], and thus there is no obligation to listen to parents who tell you to transgress the Torah, as we discussed earlier.
Additionally, a parent that wants a child to bear a grudge is considered “Aino Oseh Ma’aseh Amcha, not acting the way a Jew must act” and there is no obligation to listen to such a parent. (See Talmud Bava Kama 94b. See Shu”t HaRosh Klal 15:5)
Based on these reasons, if the person that the parent says not to talk to or forgive is a Rasha, a wicked person, and thus permitted to be hated, it is probable that the child must listen and not talk to or forgive that person. A Rav should be consulted for Halacha L’ma’aseh.
1) If a parent tells a child not to daven in a certain Shul and the child feels that they will daven better (i.e. with more Kavanah) there, he need not heed the request of the parent. (See Pischei Teshuva Yoreh Deah 240:23)
If a son wants to marry a particular girl who he feels will be a suitable shidduch for him to build a good Torah home with and the parents object [for reasons other than if they feel it's Halachically or hashkafically inappropriate or if they know [for sure] that she has done improper things that have ruined her reputation] the son need not heed the parents’ wishes. The same applies to a daughter. (Rama ibid. See also Sdei Chemed Os Chof Klal 147 and Shu”t Meishiv Davar Vol. 2 Siman 50)
2) If a parent advises a child to divorce his wife, he is not obligated to listen unless the woman has done things or behaved is such a way in which the Halacha mandates divorcing her, and in that case it is indeed a Mitzvah to listen to the parent and divorce her.
For Halacha L’ma’aseh in all of the above and other similar cases, there may be situations where the parents’ worries are warranted and even if not Halachically obligated to listen to them, a Rav or other Torah sage should be consulted before disregarding the parents’ wishes, as most of the time the parents [who are Torah observant Jews] have their children’s best interest in mind and it makes sense to at least hear them out carefully and take their advice and suggestions seriously.
Questions? Feel free to email me at [email protected]

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Re: Can't we dismiss some trolls and useless and annoying?
« Reply #36 on: April 17, 2016, 04:15:38 AM »
And how did I praise Islam? I just said Islam honors motherhood more.

Are you denying that father is superior to mother under Jewish law?

Yes, everyone is denying that, and you just said that pisslam treats women better than Judaism.

YS"V to this Nazi troll, someone kick him off already, I can't take more than half an hour of this place at a time since he started his missionary campaign.

Kick the [censored] troll.
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Re: Can't we dismiss some trolls and useless and annoying?
« Reply #37 on: April 17, 2016, 04:56:39 AM »
Thank you for bringing this source. Let's see what else it says:
If ones mother passes away while their father is alive, and the father tells the child not to say Kadish for the mother (as many people feel it’s a bad omen for their child to say Kadish while they are still alive), there is a debate amongst the Poskim if the child must acquiesce to the fathers request or not.
The fact that it should be even debatable whether or not father can prevent his son from saying Kadish for his deceased mother is disgusting. How about no, father can't prevent son from doing mitzva. But hey, I once again would be accused of "spreading lies about Judaism without backing my claims up".

We're not done yet:
If one’s father asks  for a glass of water or any other task, and at the same time his/her  mother asked for a  glass of water or another task,  tending to the father’s needs takes precedence, as the son/daughter  and the mother are both obligated to respect the father/husband.

Your own article makes reference to this law. You really thought no one would notice it?
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Re: Can't we dismiss some trolls and useless and annoying?
« Reply #38 on: April 17, 2016, 04:59:24 AM »
Yes, everyone is denying that, and you just said that pisslam treats women better than Judaism.
No, I didn't. I stated one example where it may be true, and I challenge anyone to refute it. There are cases where Judaism treats women better and there are cases where pisslam does too. I'm a fair critic. Stop with this freaking info wars crap! If you want to attack pisslam or any other enemy of Judaism then use the actual facts about the enemy to criticize it. Pisslam does treat women like [censored] and, in many cases, worse than Judaism or any other religion. Not in this case though. That's unfortunate for me to say. 

YS"V to this Nazi troll, someone kick him off already, I can't take more than half an hour of this place at a time since he started his missionary campaign.
How about you prove that I'm a missionary. Get two valid witnesses that saw me personally engaging in missionary activity and preaching Christianity (or whatever religion you accuse me of being part of). In short: no, I'm not a "missionary". You act childish any time you accuse me of being a "missionary" or attribute to me any other title that is laughable. As HaRav Kahane said: "Those who don't debate, defame". 

I have my own website where, among many other articles, I also attack pisslam. In fact, I'm in process of writing three different articles where I attack pisslam in very harsh way, and there will be more articles that I've planned to write. I'm not just sitting on a forum insulting people and getting them banned by using false accusations against them like you did in the past. What do you do on the internet outside of JTF? Nothing? Then either respectfully engage in serious debate or get out of my way.
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Re: Can't we dismiss some trolls and useless and annoying?
« Reply #39 on: April 17, 2016, 08:43:28 AM »
You said Islam treats women better than Judaism yet in the Muslim world, they are treated like cattle. Keep posting this crap and you're gone.
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Re: Can't we dismiss some trolls and useless and annoying?
« Reply #40 on: April 17, 2016, 08:50:52 AM »
Yes, everyone is denying that, and you just said that pisslam treats women better than Judaism.

YS"V to this Nazi troll, someone kick him off already, I can't take more than half an hour of this place at a time since he started his missionary campaign.

Kick the [censored] troll.

I rather have Brittney come back to make two word posts. Let's unban Brittney. I think it's time she had learned her lesson.
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Re: Can't we dismiss some trolls and useless and annoying?
« Reply #41 on: April 17, 2016, 12:21:46 PM »
Yes, it does:
"Do good to and serve your mother, then your mother, then your mother, then your father, then the near relatives and then those who come after them. (Sahîh Bukhârî 5971 and Sahîh Muslim 7/2)".

Sounds like Mohammed got his dictation confused. He told the ghostwriter, Then your mother Then your mother.   This illiterate clown was on acid.   Why because this sentence says mother first you think that means Islam treats mothers well?   Lying sack of _____.
They kidnap Jewish women and when they become "mothers" to a supposedly "Muslim" child in the muslims view, they beat them abuse them and cut off access to the child.   Really a great deal of "honor of motherhood"

Even after I quoted exact passages from religious Jewish literature you continue to accuse me of making "vague and silly assertions about Judaism without support behind them"?

This is just pathetic.   All you said was "doesn't honor motherhood" - a retarded claim.  There is no source that says such a thing so stop pretending there is.     Once again you've never spent time with people who practice the religion, you clearly don't practice yourself, so you have no idea how Judaism values motherhood and you have no sources.   I figured a white knight feminist like you would be angry at how much Judaism values mothers having many children and taking care of them.    But you claim the opposite and get angry about something that isn't even true.   

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Re: Can't we dismiss some trolls and useless and annoying?
« Reply #42 on: April 17, 2016, 12:26:53 PM »
The fact that it should be even debatable whether or not father can prevent his son from saying Kadish for his deceased mother is disgusting.

So the fact that the rabbis even debate a question, which cannot be answered without debating it, is to you "disgusting."      Some say one way, some say the other way.  You want to murder all those who said the way you don't like.  Grow up and grow a sack.

If you do not practice Judaism and do not believe in God or the afterlife or a hundred other things Judaism asserts, why would the act of saying or not saying kaddish make a difference to you?  (Since you keep harping on this specific issue).    Probably because you are using any little detail to grind an axe.   

Or do you really believe the kaddish has an effect?  If you do, why don't you observe the sabbath?  Why don't you spend time with Orthodox Jews to learn about their culture instead of judging them from an article and online screeds?

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Re: Can't we dismiss some trolls and useless and annoying?
« Reply #43 on: April 17, 2016, 04:05:17 PM »
For those who are interested in truth (meaning not the Troll) the Sages derive from a Biblical verse that a wife's obligation to honor her husband is greater than her obligation to honor her parents.
When honoring her father (or mother) conflicts with honoring the husband, the husband's honor wins out.
This is how the Sages understand the Biblical Text.
And if this irks the feathers of Feminazis I don't give a hoot.

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Re: Can't we dismiss some trolls and useless and annoying?
« Reply #44 on: April 17, 2016, 04:25:06 PM »
As far as the kaddish question is concerned it is clear to me, that my rabbis hold that the son could say Kaddish for his mother, despite the objections of the father.
I know this because in more extreme cases they have sided with the child who wanted to go against the wishes of his parents.

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Re: Can't we dismiss some trolls and useless and annoying?
« Reply #45 on: April 17, 2016, 09:11:01 PM »
There are cases where Judaism treats women better and there are cases where pisslam does too. I'm a fair critic.

 You act childish any time you accuse me of being a "missionary" or attribute to me any other title that is laughable. As HaRav Kahane said: "Those who don't debate, defame". 

 What do you do on the internet outside of JTF? Nothing? Then either respectfully engage in serious debate or get out of my way.


Anyone who seriously thinks you're trying to have a debate is insane.

You were told a hundred times to go talk to a Rabbi. It's true, most will say what I say, curse you, and tell you to get a life. Some might educate you in response to your lying declarations.

When I came here, I had questions about Judaism. Instead of declaring Judaism to be something, I asked, and areas where I wanted to get into more detail, I talked to a Rabbi.

Why do I have to repeat the same things every day on this forum for a month?

Does anyone actually think Judaism sucks cares about Judaism? Does anyone think if you prove him wrong on one lie, he won't just come back with another?

Those here who I think are useful know what I do, and I feel no need to show off to a troll. Go jump off a bridge.
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Re: Can't we dismiss some trolls and useless and annoying?
« Reply #46 on: April 17, 2016, 11:18:58 PM »
It's not about me. It is his dumb close minded attitude towards anybody that doesn't agree with him.

I don't remember having a conversation with you, but for the record, you've made good posts and I have nothing against you. Is this still over the avatar thing?
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Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: Can't we dismiss some trolls and useless and annoying?
« Reply #47 on: April 18, 2016, 12:32:40 AM »

When I came here, I had questions about Judaism. Instead of declaring Judaism to be something, I asked, and areas where I wanted to get into more detail, I talked to a Rabbi.

After seeing what Missionary4Pisslam/Islamsucks!/Smash Islam/Buddhalicker/Man-hater/SadduceeAvenger has done here, I have even more respect for what you did instead.  It's the logical course of action, but still, I guess some people don't deal in logic.

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Re: Can't we dismiss some trolls and useless and annoying?
« Reply #48 on: April 18, 2016, 08:18:26 AM »
After seeing what Missionary4Pisslam/Islamsucks!/Smash Islam/Buddhalicker/Man-hater/SadduceeAvenger has done here, I have even more respect for what you did instead.  It's the logical course of action, but still, I guess some people don't deal in logic.

When you are trying to learn, you don't demand that people accept the ignorant conclusions you've just come to. If you want to know about cooking, you can chit chat with house wives about their cooking for the basic info, and talk to a chef to learn more. You don't scream at them that their recipe sucks and mentions the ways that eating feces is preferable to the food, because you don't know what to do with the recipe.

It's a troll, ban him.
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Re: Can't we dismiss some trolls and useless and annoying?
« Reply #49 on: April 18, 2016, 04:15:28 PM »
You keep posting your same lies over and over again.

Last links you showed me were from communists, in case you didn't realize, I never let something go. I still permanently have an eye out for Lewinsky, and if you post a link, if I liked it before I'm not going there any more. Just the fact that you like a link makes it garbage to me, and you've proven that's all you'll post time and time again.

You've been told 100 times, go talk to a Rabbi. If you don't like what they say, cry. As for here, you're just going to get cursed.

Now go die of cancer.

Not defending him or anything but wishing cancer on anyone isn't funny.
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