Author Topic: Inviting Yehuda to recconnect to Efrayim (aka the 10 tribes of Israel)  (Read 1664 times)

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Offline JewOnOneFoot

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I wanted to let you know, if you don't know already, that the 10 tribes of Israel are the Pashtuns of Afghanistan.

I would like to invite you to join our facebook group of over 300 Pashtuns and Jews and help promote our cause of creating good relationship between the 2 parts of the people of Israel, preparing the ground for their return (see Yehezkel 37).

And here is an article that proves they are them and contains some of their israeli customs (Hupa, Talit, Covering blood and more).

(A shorter version was published in and

And here are some highlights we already had in the group:

Offline Debbie Shafer

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The 144,000 will be selected from the 12 Tribes of Israel.   The Lamb on Mount Zion, Jerusalem.  Rev. 14.   These people are true believers whose robes have been washed and made white in Christ's blood.   Revelation 7:14.     The 144,000 represent believers  who have endured persecutions on earth and now are ready to enjoy the eternal benefits and blessings of life with God forever.    Their purity is best understood symbolically, meaning they are free from involvement with the pagan world system.  To remain spiritually pure means resisting the seductions and idolatries of the present world...power, wealth, and sexual immorality.  To do so requires daily application of God's Word, for it has a purifying effect on the mind and heart.  It requires great resolution not to give in to these temptations.    Following Christ, the Lamb, "wherever he goes," requires heroic effort to carry out Christ's commission to face oppression and even death if required.     "First fruits"  refers to the act of dedicating the first part of the harvest as holy to God.  Exodus 23:19.....also James 1:18.

Offline JewOnOneFoot

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Moses and Yehezkel and Yissaaya and Malaahi and other said something else. Because they were right many times, i believe them.

Anyway excuse me but I was mainly interested in the Yehudim of the forum.

Offline Zelhar

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Is Mullah Omar on board with this?

Offline Zelhar

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Seriously though, it is not so hard for an entire ethnic group to pretend and even believe in a false or mythological origin. Many other people from Africa to New Zealand claim to be Israelites. Even some Christians in Britain believe themselves to be the tribe of Dan.

There are people who believe that the twin towers were not destroyed by airplanes. There are people who believe there was no holocaust. There are people who believe Lizardmen exists and are walking in disguise among us. There are people who believe AIDS is not caused by the HIV virus.

The so called "Palestinians" claim to be descendants of the Canaanites, and the Jebusites, and the Philistines. Nevermind that most them can trace back their family origins just a few generations ago to places like Egypt, Iraq and Syria and Sudan and Morocco or even non-Arab regions like the Caucus.

Offline JewOnOneFoot

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They say it for at least hundreds of years. In their all historical record there isnt any alternative origin. And they have many israelite traditions,some are even from Kabala...

And there is a big difference between bekieving somethi g about the twins than an origin.

And about other israelites. Those that have been claiming since ever they are israelites are really israelites. But... They mixed. The paahtuns didnt. At least that is what their claim and current situation, and they have faces of people in israel. Almost No difference.

And about Taliban, they practicly only kill Paahtuns.

Offline Zelhar

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What do they know about their history between 700BC to 1400AD ?

Offline JewOnOneFoot

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I think they know some stuff previous to 1400ad mainly from foreign historians but it is true that there is a large dead period in their history

Offline edu

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Rabbi Eliyahu Avichail z"l, believed that part of the biological descendants of the ten tribes were exiled to Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Even if he is right, the Talmud indicates they lost their status of being Israelites.

Offline JewOnOneFoot

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That is simply false:

Yevamot 16: "If a non-Jew married an Israeli woman according to Halacha, we are concerned that they might actually be married, because he might be from the 10 tribes". The Talmud then asks: "But when someone is in front of us and we don't know who he is, we assume he came from the majority of people, and the majority of people are not from the 10 tribes, so we shouldn't be concerned". The Talmud then says that this is only true in their land - the land where the 10 tribes live, because over there they are the majority.

Saying they arent israelis anymore also contradicts Yehezkel 37 and Issaya and Jeremaya... So of course the Talmud didnt say that.

Offline edu

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Re: Inviting Yehuda to recconnect to Efrayim (aka the 10 tribes of Israel)
« Reply #10 on: April 05, 2016, 05:10:43 AM »
This is the Soncino English translation to the Talmud Yevamot 16b
Rab Judah said in the name of R. Assi: If at the present time a heathen betroths [a daughter in
Israel], note must be taken of such betrothal since it may be that he is of the ten tribes.17 But, surely,
anything separated [from a heterogeneous group] is re garded as having been separated from the
majority!18 — [R. Assi's statement refers] to places where they have settled;19 for R. Abba b. Kahana
said: And he put them in Halah and in Habor, on the river of Gozan, and the cities of the Medes;20
Halah is Halwan,21 and Habor is Hadyab,1 the river Gozan is Ginzak,2 and the cities of the Medes are Hamdan3 and its
neighbouring towns; others say, Nihar4 and its neighbouring towns. Which are its neighbouring
towns? — Samuel replied: Karak,5 Moshki,6 Hidki7 and Dumkia.8 R. Johanan said: All these9 [were
enumerated] in order to declare them as being unfit.10 When, however, I11 mentioned the matter12 in
the presence of Samuel he said to me: Thy son,13 implies that he who is descended from an
Israelitish woman may be called thy son, but thy son who is descended from a heathen woman is not
called thy son but her son.14 But, surely, there were also daughters,15 and Rabina had said, ‘From
this it may be inferred that thy daughter's son born from [a union with] a heathen is called thy son’!16
— There is a tradition that the women of that generation were sterilized.17
Others read: When I mentioned the matter18 in the presence of Samuel he said to me, ‘They did
not move from there until they had declared them19 to be perfect heathens; as it is said in the
Scriptures, They have dealt treacherously against the Lord, for they have begotten strange
(17) Whom Shalmaneser had carried away into captivity (II Kings XVIII, 11) where they intermarried with the heathens.
Children born from such marriages are bastards, and R. Assi holds that a bastard's betrothal is valid.
(18) I.e., if it is not known to which group or class a person or object that comes from a mixed multitude belongs, it is
always assumed that the unit came from the majority. Now, since the ten tribes represent only a minority of the heathens,
it should be assumed that the betrothal was not made by one of the ten tribes but by a heathen.
(19) And formed a majority of the inhabitants (Tosaf. s.v.בדוכתא a.l.). Rashi: A group which is in a settled
condition, (kabu'a, v. Keth. 15a and Glos.), though it is a minority, is deemed to represent a half of the whole multitude.
(20) II Kings XVIII, 11.
(21) So Kid. 72b. Cur. edd.,חלזון Halwan is a locality in Assyria. V. Kid., Sonc. ed. p. 367, n. 4.
(1) Adiabene, a region between the rivers Caprus and Lycus in Assyria.
(2) Ganzaka, identified with Shiz, S.E. of Urmia Lake, N.W. of Persia, v. ibid. n. 8.
(3) Hamadan, the capital of Media, otherwise known as Ekbatana. V. Schrader, Keilinschriften, p. 378.
(4) Nahawand, a town on the south of Ekbatana (v. previous note). V. ibid. n. 4.
(5) כרך, others read כרך (fort) in the construct, and connect it with the following nouns.
(6) Or Kerak Moshki, the Fort of Moshki. The land of the Moshki lay on the southern side of Colchis.
(7) A locality in Assyria, variously described as Hudki, Hirki, Hizki and Huski.
(8} Rumki, Ruthki, or the Fort of Rumki in Media. On all these localities v. Kid., Sonc. ed. pp. 365ff notes.
(9) Localities mentioned.
(10) Most of their inhabitants being deemed bastards, since the women had intermarried with the heathens, and their
descendants, furthermore, married forbidden relatives.
(11) This is the continuation of Rab Judah's statement.
(12) R. Assi's ruling, supra 16b.
(13) V. Deut. VII, 4 and Kid. 68b.
(14) I.e., is regarded as a perfect heathen and his betrothal has no validity.
(15) Of the ten tribes who married heathens.
(16) V. infra 23a. The children of such unions, then, being deemed Israelites though unfit, should have the right of
betrothal. How then could Samuel contend that they are deemed to be perfect heathens? (V. supra p. 91, n. 18).
(17) אצטרויי אצטרו root צרי or צרא Ithpa., ‘to tear’, ‘split’. Lit., ‘they were split’, i.e., an operation for
sterilization was performed on them.
(18) Of R. Assi's ruling supra 16b.
(19) The ten tribes.
(20) Hos. V, 7.

Offline JewOnOneFoot

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Re: Inviting Yehuda to recconnect to Efrayim (aka the 10 tribes of Israel)
« Reply #11 on: April 05, 2016, 05:47:40 AM »
Your version is good:

Rab Judah said in the name of R. Assi: If at the present time a heathen betroths [a daughter in
note must be taken of such betrothal since it may be that he is of the ten tribes.17 But, surely,
anything separated [from a heterogeneous group] is re garded as having been separated from the
majority!18 — [R. Assi's statement refers] to places where they have settled;

In the place the 10 tribes have setteled they are the majority and if someone from there marries a jewish woman she needs a divorce because the majority there are israelites.

Offline Shofet

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Re: Inviting Yehuda to recconnect to Efrayim (aka the 10 tribes of Israel)
« Reply #12 on: April 05, 2016, 03:45:36 PM »
The 144,000 will be selected from the 12 Tribes of Israel.   The Lamb on Mount Zion, Jerusalem.  Rev. 14.   These people are true believers whose robes have been washed and made white in Christ's blood.   Revelation 7:14.     The 144,000 represent believers  who have endured persecutions on earth and now are ready to enjoy the eternal benefits and blessings of life with God forever.    Their purity is best understood symbolically, meaning they are free from involvement with the pagan world system.  To remain spiritually pure means resisting the seductions and idolatries of the present world...power, wealth, and sexual immorality.  To do so requires daily application of God's Word, for it has a purifying effect on the mind and heart.  It requires great resolution not to give in to these temptations.    Following Christ, the Lamb, "wherever he goes," requires heroic effort to carry out Christ's commission to face oppression and even death if required.     "First fruits"  refers to the act of dedicating the first part of the harvest as holy to God.  Exodus 23:19.....also James 1:18.

Go to a Christian website.

You are not Jewish Anne you don't need to infect every Jewish space.