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I was invited here by someone I was debating with on youtube who goes by the user name is cahanewasright. He/she asked me to join the forum because I am what most of you would consider a self-hating jew. He/she said that this forum needed "left winged" people to debate with. So here I am.
I will just start of with stating some of my beliefs:

- I believe that Kahane was very wrong. If he were born into the Islamic religion, he'd be the head of the Taliban.
- I believe that Israeli policies are detrimental to the Jewish community.
- I believe that there's no such thing as good vs. evil

I will be happy to further discuss my beliefs with anybody who would like to do so.

What Israeli polivies might you be referring to?

What do you call Ted Bundy versus the Police if not 'Good versus evil'?


--- Quote from: qa4383 on September 01, 2007, 03:37:10 PM ---- I believe that Kahane was very wrong. If he were born into the Islamic religion, he'd be the head of the Taliban.
--- End quote ---
I doubt it, more likely he'd have left islam.
--- Quote from: qa4383 on September 01, 2007, 03:37:10 PM ---- I believe that Israeli policies are detrimental to the Jewish community.
--- End quote ---
A lot of them are, such as giving up land.

--- Quote from: qa4383 on September 01, 2007, 03:37:10 PM ---- I believe that there's no such thing as good vs. evil

--- End quote ---
What were the nazis if they weren't evil?

Thinking that there is a "good and bad" is necessary to your own survival.  If you don't think that you are good or right, you'll be willing to let other people defeat you.  It's a truly suicidal mentality to have.

Your statement "I believe that there's no such thing as good vs. evil" needs clarification in order for me to be able to engage in a debate.  Do you mean that people are not born good or evil but are influenced into acting the way they do by their upbringing; that one man's good is another man's evil; that good and evil acts do not exist therefore good and evil people do not exist?  Please clarify.


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