General Category > Introduce Yourself
--- Quote ---Morals most certainly do not fluctuate there is moral and immoral the same as there is good and bad.
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Of course morals fluctuate. Slavery was once considered to be morally acceptable, it's even accepted in some parts of the bible. "When a man sells his daughter as a slave, she will not be freed at the end of six years as the men are. If she does not please the man who bought her, he may allow her to be bought back again. But he is not allowed to sell her to foreigners, since he is the one who broke the contract with her. And if the slave girl's owner arranges for her to marry his son, he may no longer treat her as a slave girl, but he must treat her as his daughter. If he himself marries her and then takes another wife, he may not reduce her food or clothing or fail to sleep with her as his wife. If he fails in any of these three ways, she may leave as a free woman without making any payment." Exodus 21:7-11 NLT)
Do you mean to tell me that slavery is morally acceptable today? What about pre-marital sex? What about killing another? "Thou shalt not kill" is one of the 10 commandments, but we all know that that one goes out the window depending on the circumstances. What about the treatment of Handicapped people? What about the American health care system? What about polygamy?
All these are moralistic ideas that have changed over time. So, no it is not absurd to think that morals change depending on the situation.
--- Quote ---It seems like it's a scientific, "objective", enlightened, or reasoned way to think, but in the end of the day it's just laziness and an inability to make a hard decision. People who say that there is no good or evil are copping out of trying to figure a situation out, and it gives them an air of wisdom even though most of these people are just ignorant and unable to objectively weigh positive and negative criteria.
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If it 'seems' like there's a scientific, enlightened etc. way to think...than perhaps it is. I hardly think that's looking a both sides of the same coin is ignorant and/or lazy. Ignorance would result from looking at the one side and not turning it over to see what's on the other side.
--- Quote ---Anyway, your quote disturbed me a bit when you said "we are G-d, and he is us." I think I might be interpreting it a bit wrong. It seems to me to be a purely humanist stance, like "there is no G-d, we are G-d." I hope that's not what you're trying to say. Indeed, we are part of G-d's creation and everything around us has G-d's hand as its cause of existence but we definitely are not G-d.
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No, I definitely believe in a creative force, I just don't believe that it is a separate entity from us. I don't like the God that is depicted in the bible. I find him to be cruel, angry, misogynistic, vengeful, divisive etc. Now, before you go on quoting the bible, I haven't read the whole thing becuase at first I couldn't get past annoyed me too much; it just didn't make any sense to me. I have since then tried to continue, but I can't get past me, (I know this will offend many of you, I apologize ahead of time) to me, Moses is a schizophrenic, power hungry cult leader who instills the fear of God, that only he can miraculously hear, into his followers so they can be easily controlled. (once again, I apologize to many of you that I am sure I have offended)
--- Quote ---If someone is coming to murder your family and you murder him, preventing the slaughter of your entire family, you are definitely not hurting yourself.
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I actually am hurting myself...spiritually. If somebody attacks me or my family, of course my animal instinct will take over and I will go on the defensive, and I will do what needs to be done. But, I will not take pleasure in this, attacking him will not make me feel good.
This is my take on forgiveness.
"I think there are many misconceptions about the practice of forgiving. Some mistakenly believe that by forgiving you are condoning or accepting a grievous act. Or that by forgiving it implies you are weak and will not stand up against those who commit such acts. Another misconception is that if you forgive, justice will be abandoned. But forgiveness is not about helplessly giving up, surrendering, avoiding justice or being weak. Forgiveness is about recognizing the terrible wrong that you hold in your heart, realizing that the wrong can be healed, and working to understand how you came to hold your anger and resentment so dearly so that you do not let it happen again. This process helps you to develop compassion for yourself and others." ~Lama Chuck Stamford
I'm so glad qa4383 is posting here. He's a perfect example of the sick, self-hating, morally-relative, confused, faithless whimpy Jew that JTF opposes. He's a living textbook.
--- Quote ---I'm so glad qa4383 is posting here. He's a perfect example of the sick, self-hating, morally-relative, confused, faithless whimpy Jew that JTF opposes. He's a living textbook.
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Please tell me where you have felt justified to insult me. If it's becuase of the Moses thing, I already apologized ahead of time. If you're going to insult me, why don't you back up your statements.
Sick...I'm assuming you mean mentally ill. I believe that I am writing somewhat coherently, am I not? And no, I don't hear voices.
Self-hating...mmm, I don't recall ever mentioning that I hate myself, in fact I believe that I've mentioned just the opposite.
morally-relative...well I'm sorry, I just don't think that slavery, polygamy and killing amongst other things are very moral.
Confused...I admitted that I am not sure about the good/vs evil argument, so I'll give you that one ;), I think I've made my beliefs quite's just not the same as yours. (scary isn't it?)
whimpy...well, if that means that I'm not jam packed full of hatred, anger, vengeance and fear...well then I suppose I am.
I am here to learn about your mindset becuase I don't understand it. I don't understand it anymore than you can understand mine. There's is so much hatred and divisiveness on this forum that it boggles my mind. I want to learn about it becuase I feel that it's people with a tribalistic mindset that is ultimately going to be one of the causes for the destruction of humanity. Just like I'm sure that you believe that people with my mindset are going to be our end doing.
So, perhaps instead of insulting me, you could learn from me just like I'm attempting to do from you!
--- Quote from: qa4383 on September 03, 2007, 05:54:58 PM ---
--- Quote ---I'm so glad qa4383 is posting here. He's a perfect example of the sick, self-hating, morally-relative, confused, faithless whimpy Jew that JTF opposes. He's a living textbook.
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Please tell me where you have felt justified to insult me. If it's becuase of the Moses thing, I already apologized ahead of time. If you're going to insult me, why don't you back up your statements.
Sick...I'm assuming you mean mentally ill. I believe that I am writing somewhat coherently, am I not? And no, I don't hear voices.
Self-hating...mmm, I don't recall ever mentioning that I hate myself, in fact I believe that I've mentioned just the opposite.
morally-relative...well I'm sorry, I just don't think that slavery, polygamy and killing amongst other things are very moral.
Confused...I admitted that I am not sure about the good/vs evil argument, so I'll give you that one ;), I think I've made my beliefs quite's just not the same as yours. (scary isn't it?)
whimpy...well, if that means that I'm not jam packed full of hatred, anger, vengeance and fear...well then I suppose I am.
I am here to learn about your mindset becuase I don't understand it. I don't understand it anymore than you can understand mine. There's is so much hatred and divisiveness on this forum that it boggles my mind. I want to learn about it becuase I feel that it's people with a tribalistic mindset that is ultimately going to be one of the causes for the destruction of humanity. Just like I'm sure that you believe that people with my mindset are going to be our end doing.
So, perhaps instead of insulting me, you could learn from me just like I'm attempting to do from you!
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Every single syllable you type backs up my appraisal of you. I was just too mindful of JTF's disk space to bother quoting everything.
--- Quote ---Every single syllable you type backs up my appraisal of you.
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Once again Newman....backup your statements. Or perhaps you can't because I'm speaking of some truths. If I'm not being truthful, prove me wrong.
I don't understand your way of thinking, please enlighten me.
What experiences or lessons have you had that have caused you to think the way you do?
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