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--- Quote from: kahaneloyalist on September 03, 2007, 08:59:10 PM ---It is one of the few points of comfort I have in this current conflict knowing that the if the Muslims ever win they will soon kill the Leftists who did so much to bring them to power, as has already happened in Algeria, Lebanon, and Iran.

--- End quote ---

That IS some consolation. ;D

Re:  "...It's a sad state of affairs if in our 'civilized' world, someone is considered evil for simply disagreeing with another. ..."

No problem by me.

You are free to go tell Fidel Castro or Robert Mugabe how much you disagree with them.

They are probably much more "civilized" than we are here.


--- Quote ---Kahane NEVER advocated wiping the arabs out. He advocated their humane relocation WITH a finacial gift! Equate THAT with the german nazis, you immoral twit.
--- End quote ---

If you read my post properly, you would of noticed I never mentioned Kahane. I was referring to what you had posted on another board. This one:

--- Quote ---No.

But 99% of muslims are either terrorists, terrorist supporters or terrorists in waiting.

--- End quote ---

Burn the lot of them, huh? Sounds like genocide to me. Oh wait, but I'm the evil one.

--- Quote ---It is one of the few points of comfort I have in this current conflict knowing that the if the Muslims ever win they will soon kill the Leftists
--- End quote ---

Oh yes, let's take COMFORT in the deaths of all those who disagree with us. You are such a group of kind and loving people :D


--- Quote from: qa4383 on September 03, 2007, 09:18:17 PM ---
--- Quote ---Kahane NEVER advocated wiping the arabs out. He advocated their humane relocation WITH a finacial gift! Equate THAT with the german nazis, you immoral twit.
--- End quote ---

If you read my post properly, you would of noticed I never mentioned Kahane. I was referring to what you had posted on another board. This one:

--- Quote ---No.

But 99% of muslims are either terrorists, terrorist supporters or terrorists in waiting.

--- End quote ---

Burn the lot of them, huh? Sounds like genocide to me. Oh wait, but I'm the evil one.

--- Quote ---It is one of the few points of comfort I have in this current conflict knowing that the if the Muslims ever win they will soon kill the Leftists
--- End quote ---

Oh yes, let's take COMFORT in the deaths of all those who disagree with us. You are such a group of kind and loving people :D

--- End quote ---

But you still can't equate what I said with german nazism. I am advocating the destruction of those who have advocated MY destruction and instigated a war against the west.

The nazis muredered Jews who did NO SUCH THING.

That just shows how morally vaccuous you are!

Very good post Massuh and all others.  This fellow has no understanding about what "slavery" actually ment under Jewish Law and ancient Israel.  Totally uncomparable to any other slavery period end full stop.  More comparable to the foundations to and for all of todays real, not politically guided, human rights/civil rights.  

There is no "hatred" on this forum accept for evilness.  People should not have to "tolerate" immorality, evilness or anything of the like.  The quote is "He who comes to murder you, kill him first!"  This particular adage places forward the most moral and logical difference between Killing and Murder.  

.....  I will not insult anyone unless someone insults me .....


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