General Category > Introduce Yourself

What is your Height? Weight??

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that may be, but can you imagine me expressing interest in somebody like a single version of malkah fleischer?  she would have such a look of horror on her face and run away from me so fast, that her legs would barely be able to carry her


--- Quote from: JewishTeddyBear on September 02, 2007, 10:03:44 PM ---that may be, but can you imagine me expressing interest in somebody like a single version of malkah fleischer?  she would have such a look of horror on her face and run away from me so fast, that her legs would barely be able to carry her

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Get a few fake tatoos on your 300+lbs and you'll look like a real gorilla. Some chicks love that.

lol...that's funny  :laugh:


--- Quote from: JewishTeddyBear on September 02, 2007, 09:55:57 PM ---ummmm....thanks, daniel, but i don't think so.  not for a 46-year-old, 332 pound, unemployed man.  give me brad pitt's looks and bill gates' money, and maybe i would have a chance.

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That doesn't matter! There are people of all ages, sizes, and statuses on there! There are plenty of women who would fit into this category as well. Don't sell yourself short until you try!

Several years ago, my aunt tragically passed away. My uncle was 55 at the time. He used JDate and met his present girlfriend who is a real sweetheart (who also tragically lost her spouse) and they are preparing to get married next year. So no matter what your age or situation, there's always someone else that is in your same situation or someone that will take an interest in you. Can't hurt to give it a try!

New Yorker:

6'1" 200lbs Athletic.  8)


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