Many reasons: 1. Excellent marketing, selling people back their own hopes and dreams is easy. If people understood marketing, they'd understand that his "authentic, emotional speeches" are crass emotional manipulation that I can show you in my textbooks.
2. Republicans chasing "homosexual Republicans" and other voters that will never hold conservative values, because they think they are growing now.
3. Calling retards your saviors. Just because Ben Carson changes his mind and doesn't vote for democrats again, doesn't mean he's a hero. Just because someone says, "Israel should not be destroyed", doesn't mean they can't hold other ideas that if implemented would destroy Israel. Just because someone says he's against pisslam, doesn't mean he knows anything about it, or has any intention of doing good. We ought not to respect the Johnny come lately because he can repeat slogans. Repeating slogans is for demonrats. Do not respect someone for saying something conservative, respect one for being a conservative, and that isn't something that happens overnight.
Pay me I'll write more.