Author Topic: UNESCO: France goes from dishonour to ridicule  (Read 595 times)

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Offline Chiram

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UNESCO: France goes from dishonour to ridicule
« on: May 18, 2016, 06:51:21 PM »
Roughly translated from an article in Causeur by Oudy Ch. Bloch

After backpedaling on its anti-semitic vote negating the Jewish history of Jerusalem, France wants to host a "peace" summit to create fakestinian state.

What a joke!

Reminder: UNESCO resolution 199 EX/19 attempts to erase 3.500 years of Jewish history and declares the Temple Mount and the Wailing Wall as exclusively muslim "holy" sites.

The resolution simply named "Occupied Palestine" was sponsored by Algeria, Egypt, Morocco, Qatar, Jordan, Sudan and other muslim nazi states known for their barbarism.

Anti-semites dreamed it, UNESCO did it.

Always looking to sell nuclear power plants and fighter planes, France dishonored herself yet again by voting for this heinous resolution.

Anachronisms be damned, the fact that King Solomon's Temple was built 1.600 years before islam even existed doesn't bother them, on the contrary, it just highlights the incredible treachery of the Jews, able to appropriate holy sites of a religion that didn't yet exist.

After a backlash, the French President and Prime Minister backpedaled, saying that the resolution was flawed due to a Jordanian amendment and should not have been voted on.

Not content with just voting and re-voting on lying resolutions, France also contributes financially to:

-   EU funded illegal arab constructions in Judea Samaria
-   Fakestinian school manuels that negate the existence of Israel and teach children to count using dead Jews
-   The salaries the FA pays to jailed muslim nazi terrorists

In case that wasn't enough, France plans to host a summit this summer (without Israel) aimed at "re-launching the peace process" with the stated intention of recognizing a Fakestinian State. Socialist President Hollande must be dreaming of a summit on the model of the catastrophic Iranian nuclear deal to line his legacy. Like Obama, all he'll have to do is accept all of the fakestinian demands in return for guaranties that don't exist.

How can an anti-semitic France, prisoner of her pro-arab policies, constantly partial and intellectually dishonest, still claim to play a useful role on the World stage?
« Last Edit: May 18, 2016, 08:37:52 PM by Chiram »